W Juliet/YMMV
< W Juliet
- Broken Aesop / Lost Aesop: The story starts with Makoto finding Ito beautiful and lovable despite her masculine appearance. The aesop seems to be True Beauty Is on the Inside. But then Ito starts to dress up, put some make-up on and blush around Makoto. Oh wait, the Aesop is that despite becoming a gorgeous beauty Ito is still the same lovable Tomboy when she opens her mouth? The true beauty is really on inside, but it’s inside the people who are beautiful to begin with? Wait a minute… They Wasted a Perfectly Good Aesop just now.
- Mary Sue / Marty Stu: Amano Matoko / Narita Matoko. Even his rude attitude towards his father, his only demerit, is explained by Freudian Excuse.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Several: Ito and Makoto are mistaken as lesbians, but the topic is laughed away as a joke and forgotten; Ito’s inferior looks and abilities compared to Makoto are touched on very slightly; Matoko being a boy, the story’s whole premise is handled by Matoko and Ito’s parents giving in because of sheer determination and the Power of Love in the end. Even though the story is meant to be a lighthearted shoujo, it still Tastes Like Diabetes.