Who Are You and What Did You Do to X?

A stock phrase to invoke and/or parody the "Spot the Imposter" game, that happens when someone seems to act out of character. For comedy purpose, usually it's said when the "impostor" performs better than the original in some way.

Occasionally even happens to an actual impostor.

Sometimes this phrase can be used as a playful compliment when a character has undergone a makeover, either minor or radical.

A subtrope of OOC Is Serious Business.

Examples of Who Are You and What Did You Do to X? include:

Anime and Manga


Genma: I carved this on our honeymoon. A memory of love.
Ranma: Who are you and what have you done with my father?


Fan Works

FROM Azu-nyan <3
TO Yui-senpai

Who are you and how did you get
Yui-senpai's phone?



Joy Miller: Who are you and what did you do with the little Nazi kid?


Live-Action TV


Nate: Who are you and what did you do with Blair Waldorf?




Web Comics


Ennesby: In a TUX? Where's Tagon, and what have you done with him?