Category:Live-Action TV
(Redirected from Live-Action TV)
Main article: Live-Action TV
As opposed to Film, which is shown in theaters first before being moved to TV, and as opposed to cartoons or other animated works, live-action TV is television programming set in the "real world" with real people playing the characters. In this medium, the real people doing both the voices and the actions in the show, not just the voice acting as is generally the case in most animated television programming.
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
- Live Action TV/Headscratchers (580 P)
- Live-Action TV/Awesome (385 P)
- Narm/Live-Action TV (2 P)
- Tear Jerker/Live-Action TV (109 P)
- TV Documentary (5 P)
- Wild Mass Guessing/Live Action TV (360 P)
Pages in category "Live-Action TV"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 371 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Abusive Parents/Live-Action TV
- Action Girl/Live-Action TV
- Actor Allusion/Live-Action TV
- Adorkable/Live-Action TV
- Affably Evil/Live-Action TV
- Alternative Character Interpretation/Live-Action TV
- American Crime Story
- And I Must Scream/Live-Action TV
- And the Fandom Rejoiced (Sugar Wiki)/Live-Action TV
- Anti-Villain/Live-Action TV
- Anyone Can Die/Live-Action TV
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking/Live-Action TV
- Awesome but Impractical/Live-Action TV
- Aída
- Baantjer
- Badass Boast/Live-Action TV
- Badass Bookworm/Live-Action TV
- Badass Creed/Live-Action TV
- Badass Normal/Live-Action TV
- Badass/Live-Action TV
- Balloon Belly/Live-Action TV
- Batang Quiapo (Series)
- Batman Gambit/Live-Action TV
- Battle Fever J
- Beach Episode/Live-Action TV
- Belligerent Sexual Tension/Live-Action TV
- Berserk Button/Live-Action TV
- Best Known for the Fanservice/Live-Action TV
- Better Than It Sounds/Live-Action TV
- Beware the Nice Ones/Live-Action TV
- Beyond the Impossible/Live-Action TV
- Big Bad/Live-Action TV
- Big Damn Heroes/Live-Action TV
- Big Eater/Live-Action TV
- Big Fancy House/Live-Action TV
- Big No/Live-Action TV
- Bittersweet Ending/Live-Action TV
- Blatant Lies/Live-Action TV
- The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff
- Blessed with Suck/Live-Action TV
- Blind Idiot Translation/Live-Action TV
- Blockbuster (TV series)
- Body Horror/Live-Action TV
- Book Ends/Live-Action TV
- Boring but Practical/Live-Action TV
- Bowdlerise/Live-Action TV
- The Boys (TV series)
- Brain Bleach/Live-Action TV
- Brain Bleach/Live-Action TV/Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Break the Cutie/Live-Action TV
- Breaking the Fourth Wall/Live-Action TV
- Brick Joke/Live-Action TV
- Broken Base/Live-Action TV
- Brother-Sister Incest/Live-Action TV
- Bunny Ears Lawyer/Live-Action TV
- Butt Monkey/Live-Action TV
- Canon Discontinuity/Live-Action TV
- Casino Royale (Climax!)
- Catch Phrase/Live-Action TV
- Character Derailment/Live-Action TV
- Characterization Marches On/Live-Action TV
- Chekhov's Gun/Live-Action TV
- Chest Monster/Live-Action TV
- Choujuu Sentai Liveman
- Clothing Damage/Live-Action TV
- Cloudcuckoolander/Live-Action TV
- Cluster F-Bomb/Live-Action TV
- Combat Pragmatist/Live-Action TV
- Companion Cube/Live-Action TV
- Continuity Nod/Live-Action TV
- Crapsack World/Live-Action TV
- Crazy Awesome/Live-Action TV
- Creator Backlash/Live-Action TV
- Creator Breakdown/Live-Action TV
- Creator's Pet/Live-Action TV
- Curb Stomp Battle/Live-Action TV
- Cut and Paste Translation/Live-Action TV
- Dark Is Not Evil/Live-Action TV
- Darker and Edgier/Live-Action TV
- Deadliest Warrior
- Deadpan Snarker/Live-Action TV
- Defrosting Ice Queen/Live-Action TV
- Dengeki Sentai Changeman
- Department of Redundancy Department/Live-Action TV
- Determinator/Live-Action TV
- Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Live-Action TV
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?/Live-Action TV
- Die for Our Ship/Live-Action TV
- Disproportionate Retribution/Live-Action TV
- Does This Remind You of Anything?/Live-Action TV
- The Dog Bites Back/Live-Action TV
- Dork Age/Live-Action TV
- Downer Ending/Live-Action TV
- Draco in Leather Pants/Live-Action TV
- The Dragon/Live-Action TV
- Drop Dead Diva
- Ear Worm/Live-Action TV
- Early Installment Weirdness/Live-Action TV
- Eat Bulaga!
- Eldritch Abomination/Live-Action TV
- Ensemble Darkhorse/Live-Action TV
- Establishing Character Moment/Live-Action TV
- Eurovision Song Contest
- Even Evil Has Standards/Live-Action TV
- Evil Counterpart/Live-Action TV
- Executive Meddling/Live-Action TV
- Expy/Live-Action TV
- Eye Scream/Live-Action TV
- Failure Is the Only Option/Live-Action TV
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop/Live-Action TV
- Family-Unfriendly Death/Live-Action TV
- Famous Last Words/Live-Action TV
- Fan Disservice/Live-Action TV
- Fan Nickname/Live-Action TV
- Fanon Discontinuity/Live-Action TV
- Fanon/Live-Action TV
- Fantastic Racism/Live-Action TV
- First-Name Basis/Live-Action TV
- Five-Bad Band/Live-Action TV
- Five-Man Band/Live-Action TV
- Five-Man Band/Live-Action TV/A-F
- Five-Man Band/Live-Action TV/G-M
- Five-Man Band/Live-Action TV/N-S
- Five-Man Band/Live-Action TV/T-Z
- Flanderization/Live-Action TV
- Foe Yay/Live-Action TV
- Follow the Leader/Live-Action TV
- Foreshadowing/Live-Action TV
- Four-Temperament Ensemble/Live-Action TV
- Freud Was Right/Live-Action TV
- Freudian Excuse/Live-Action TV
- Freudian Trio/Live-Action TV
- Fridge Horror/Live-Action TV
- Friendly Enemy/Live-Action TV
- From Bad to Worse/Live-Action TV
- Fun with Acronyms/Live-Action TV
- Funny Aneurysm Moment/Live-Action TV
- Game Breaker/Live-Action TV
- Genre Savvy/Live-Action TV
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff/Live-Action TV
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!/Live-Action TV
- Getting Crap Past the Radar/Live-Action TV
- Ghibli Hills/Live-Action TV
- Glass Cannon/Live-Action TV
- Goddamned Bats/Live-Action TV
- Gratuitous English/Live-Action TV
- Groin Attack/Live-Action TV
- Growing the Beard/Live-Action TV
- Gushing About Characters You Like (Sugar Wiki)/Live-Action TV
- Gushing About Shows You Like (Sugar Wiki)/Live-Action TV
- Harsher in Hindsight/Live-Action TV
- Have a Gay Old Time/Live-Action TV
- Hell Is That Noise/Live-Action TV
- Heroic BSOD/Live-Action TV
- Heroic Sacrifice/Live-Action TV
- Heterosexual Life Partners/Live-Action TV
- Hey Dude
- Hilarious in Hindsight/Live-Action TV
- Hoist by His Own Petard/Live-Action TV
- Holmes On Homes
- Honor Before Reason/Live-Action TV
- Hot Mom/Live-Action TV
- How to Survive the End of the World
- Lampshade Hanging/Live-Action TV
- Large Ham/Live-Action TV
- Last-Name Basis/Live-Action TV
- Leitmotif/Live-Action TV
- Life with Derek
- Light Is Not Good/Live-Action TV
- List of Works That Need Summary/Live-Action TV
- Live-Action TV/Awesome
- Live-Action TV/Awesome Music
- Live-Action TV/Characters
- Live-Action TV/Fridge
- Live-Action TV/Headscratchers
- Live-Action TV/Headscratchers/How Clean Is Your House?
- Live-Action TV/Heartwarming
- Live-Action TV/Nightmare Fuel
- Live-Action TV/Tear Jerker
- Loophole Abuse/Live-Action TV
- Love At First Sight/Live-Action TV
Media in category "Live-Action TV"
This category contains only the following file.
SMPTE Color Bars.svg 672 × 504; 826 bytes