Willing Suspension of Disbelief/Quotes
"There's Suspension Of Disbelief and then there's insulting my fucking intelligence."
—The Spoony One on the Wing Commmander movie
"Suspension Of Disbelief doesn't throw away all logic. It just allows me to believe that there are people that can run really fast or aliens that can shapeshift living among humans."
—Linkara, Atop the Fourth Wall
"At a certain point, it's just a deal between the director and the audience where he basically pauses the movie and says, "Look, if you want to see some more cool action scenes, just initial here that it's OK that the alien computers run on MacOS for some reason." And you go, "OK," and he goes back to blowing things up for you."
"Nor need their strange worlds, when we get there, be at all tied to scientific probabilities. It is the wonder, or beauty, or suggestiveness that matters. When I myself put canals on Mars, I believe I already knew that telescopes had dissipated that old optical illusion. The point was that they were part of the Martian myth as it existed in the common mind."
—CS Lewis,On Science Fiction
There’s a difference between suspension of disbelief and hanging it by the neck ’till dead, and Wolf is getting perilously close to the latter.
—Klytus Soothsayer, Blade Bunny forums
Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't.
—Mark Twain
It's just you and the audience - hundreds of people - and you've got just one chance, just once chance, to convince them that it's real. There's a magic moment where you can make them believe anything because they already want to. They're there and ready and you just have to take them the rest of the way.
—Ben Cato, The Dreamer
"I'm not having anyone staring in disbelief at my willing suspension!
Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.