Band of Brothers (TV series)/Funny

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  • George Luz pretty much owns this. His mimicking of Sobel and Dike's voices are some of the few funny moments in an otherwise grim series.
    • During training in England, Luz impersonates Major Horton's voice, fooling Sobel into cutting open a barb wire fence. The next scene shows an angry Lt. Colonel Strayer chewing out Sobel for setting loose a herd of cows which are now wandering all over their base. Sobel is made to look even more foolish when he finds out that Major Horton isn't even on the base.
    • Also, this particular exchange during Why We Fight:

Frank Perconte: Hey, George.
George Luz: Yeah?
Frank Perconte: This kind of remind you of Bastogne?
[comedic pause, including bemused look]
George Luz: Yeah... now that you mention it. Except, of course, there's no snow, we got warm grub in our bellies, and the trees aren't fucking exploding from Kraut artillery, but yeah... Frank... other than that, it's a lot like Bastogne.
Frank Perconte: Right?
George Luz: Bull, smack him for me please?
George Luz: Thank you.

  • All of the guys scrambling for a Hershey Bar during The Last Patrol.
  • When Malarkey's complaining about the food, someone says "Nothing you won't eat, Malarkey."

Skip: I won't eat Malarkey.

  • Skip telling the true story of swimming across the Niagra river... only to be told that his sister was right: he's an idiot.
  • Perconte showing off his bloused trousers to the newly-promoted Martin.

Perconte:Now, just think. If you had any class or style like me, people might mistake you for somebody.
Martin: You mean like your fucking sergeant?
Perconte:...I'm just kidding.

  • "You've done it now, Yanks. You've captured me."
    • And then the "captured" Brit asks "Is that the enemy coming?" When Winters realizes it's Sobel approaching, Winters mutters "Actually, it is."
  • "HI-O SILVER!!! Anyone who has served in the military has known at least one officer like Sobel, and can vouch that this is not an exaggeration.
  • During the battle to take Carentan, the battalion staff officers are hiding behind a wall, whisper-yelling to Winters asking if it's safe to come out. Winters tells them it is, exchanges incredulous looks with Nixon, and a moment later gets shot in the leg. The look on his face just screams "Really?!"
  • "We're paratroopers, lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded."
  • The 101st's attempts to clear an avalanche (caused by the SS) in the mountains that's blocking the road they need to advance on. First attempt: Fire a bazooka at it. No effect. Second attempt: Pile a dozen grenades on the rockslide, then fire a bazooka at it. No effect. Fortunately our stoic heroes keep a stiff upper lip at the prospect of having to stay in the beautiful alpine village a bit longer while they wait for the demolition engineers to show up.