Belly Dancer/Playing With

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Basic Trope: A woman whose attire and/or dance style is similar to that used in belly dance.

  • Played Straight: Alice is often seen with a bare midriff, a bra-like top, and a long skirt or harem pants.
  • Exaggerated: Alice's outfit includes copper coins meant to express movement, a veil, and lots of bangle bracelets. And she wears this outfit all the time.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Alice wears jeans and a turtleneck sweater, sweatpants and a hoodie, a nun's habit, etc.
  • Subverted: Alice appears wearing a long coat.
  • Double Subverted: But when she takes this off, she is has a bare midriff, a short top, and harem pants.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice comes from a very conservative family, who don't approve of belly dancing. As a result, Alice has to take lessons in secret, all the while feeling a little guilty.
    • Alternatively, Alice's status as a belly dancer earns unwanted attention from some boys at school.
    • Alice's family is poor, and she has to help put bread on the table. Unfortunately, the venue she performs in attracts a rather seedy crowd. Alice has had many close calls with various perverts.
  • Reconstructed: Alice's parents realize that they were being too strict on their daughter, and allow for Alice to continue her dancing, provided that she doesn't abuse her abilities.
  • Parodied: Alice shimmies and hip-snaps everywhere she goes, rather than walking normally.
    • She even wears her outfit whilst pregnant.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes, she is seen wearing clothes like this, other times not.
  • Averted: Alice does not wear anything comparable to belly dance attire.
  • Enforced: Fan Service
  • Invoked:
  • Defied: Alice refuses to wear anything this revealing.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played For Laughs: The one dressed like this is Bob.
  • Played For Drama: Alice has been taken into the harem of Emperor Evulz against her will and forced to dress like this and dance for him.

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