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Doctor Who Expanded Universe/Characters

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Expanded Universe Companions

Virgin New Adventures

Now have their own character sheet.

Bernice Summerfield

Now has its own character sheet.

Big Finish Doctor Who

Now has its own character sheet.

Doctor Who Magazine

Now has its own character sheet.

Eighth Doctor Adventures

Now have their own character sheet.

Dr. Who and the Daleks / Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.

Now have their own character sheet.

Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death

Now has its own character sheet.


Iris Wildthyme

Yet another renegade Time Lord. Her TARDIS looks like a red double-decker London bus, and she has a habit of claiming that many of the Doctor's escapades were really hers.

Animated Serial characters

The Shalka Doctor (Richard E. Grant)

The first attempt to revive the Doctor Who series, webcast over the BBC's website. The webisode series "Scream of the Shalka" showed a new Ninth Doctor, traveling with a robotic version of the Master and generally being angry about a lot of things. Sadly, this was poor timing, as the revived Doctor Who television series was announced before the serial even aired. It's now considered non-canon, but well-loved by the fans.

The Minister of Chance

A Time Lord, and never-before seen old ally of the Doctor, who appears in the webcast "Death Comes to Time". Voiced by Stephen Fry.

Mook: What are those?
The Minister: Quantum dice. The sort of thing all the other children got to play with while you were being harshly potty-trained.

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