Doctor Who Expanded Universe/Characters
Expanded Universe Companions
Virgin New Adventures
Now have their own character sheet.
Bernice Summerfield
Now has its own character sheet.
Big Finish Doctor Who
Now has its own character sheet.
Doctor Who Magazine
Now has its own character sheet.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Now have their own character sheet.
Dr. Who and the Daleks / Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.
Now have their own character sheet.
Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death
Now has its own character sheet.
Iris Wildthyme

Yet another renegade Time Lord. Her TARDIS looks like a red double-decker London bus, and she has a habit of claiming that many of the Doctor's escapades were really hers.
- Distaff Counterpart
- Fourth Wall Observer
- Hard-Drinking Party Girl
- New Old Flame - She often claims to be the Doctor's, and he hasn't managed to deny it.
- Pandaing to the Audience
- You Sound Familiar - She is voiced in audios by Katy Manning, who played Jo Grant in the TV series, albeit 35 years of age and heavy smoking later. Her character is nothing like Jo's though.
Animated Serial characters
The Shalka Doctor (Richard E. Grant)

The first attempt to revive the Doctor Who series, webcast over the BBC's website. The webisode series "Scream of the Shalka" showed a new Ninth Doctor, traveling with a robotic version of the Master and generally being angry about a lot of things. Sadly, this was poor timing, as the revived Doctor Who television series was announced before the serial even aired. It's now considered non-canon, but well-loved by the fans.
- Bi the Way: Very obviously shagging the android Master. The writer has confirmed that it's intentional.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Smug Super
- Survivor Guilt
The Minister of Chance
A Time Lord, and never-before seen old ally of the Doctor, who appears in the webcast "Death Comes to Time". Voiced by Stephen Fry.
- Aborted Arc: As noted below, he would have replaced the Doctor.
- Deadpan Snarker
Mook: What are those? |
- Depowered: In the last episode, after he has abused his powers for a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
- Expy: Of the Doctor.
- Large Ham: After his companion is killed, he gets very shouty.
- Reality Warper: As are all Time Lords, in this continuity. But they're not supposed ever to use their superpowers, because it destroys the fabric of the Universe.
- What Could Have Been: The original intention was that he would take over the Doctor's title at the end of the story, after the Doctor proper was Killed Off for Real.