Don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story/YMMV
- Internet Backdraft: Quite a few people hate the Rook/Arianne plot. So much so that when the game was given a Let's Play on the Something Awful forums, the user had to assure everyone "I'm not doing that subplot."
- Jerkass Woobie: Taylor considers herself one. Her classmate's opinions on whether The Woobie part is valid vary. John's opinion depends on the player's dialogue choices while confronting her.
- Moral Event Horizon: Discussed in-universe regarding Kimi, a character in a Show Within a Show
"Well, how could you redeem Kimi after that big betrayal? She’s a great, interesting character, but you kinda can’t forgive her for that." |
- Squick: If you decide to have a romantic relationship at the start... it can be very squicky especially since the first CG is of the two of them making-out in the rain. The most you're gonna see is tits though.
- WTH, Costuming Department?: Akira dons a neon-green, longsleeved shirt underneath his schooluniform one. And a neon-pink t-shirt at other times. Seriously, Akira. What?