Futurama/Tear Jerker

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He didn't forget, Fry...
  • The Futurama episode "Jurassic Bark" managed this (apparently even on the crew) along with the ending of "Luck of the Fryish". Both can probably be attributed in part to the Medley Exit. (It's been said that you can tell a Futurama fan by whether or not "I'm Walkin' On Sunshine" makes them sniffle.) It's generally the trump card on "you cry, you lose" threads; that's right, hardened /b/tards cry at Seymour.
  • "Leela's Homeworld" has a moment which is tearjerking in a heartbreaking way is when Leela thinks her parents are her parents' murderers and is about to kill them, and they just accept it. In particular the line "That would be best". They're so ashamed of what they are, and so sure that Leela would be better off without them, they'd rather Leela kill them than find out the truth.
    • The ending of the same episode also acts as a major tearjerker for any separated parent or child.
  • The ending to "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings" does it for some. "Don't stop playing, Fry. I want to see how it ends." *sniff*
  • The ending of "The Luck of the Fryrish", when Fry makes a very important discovery about his brother.

Yancy: Son, I'm naming you Philip J. Fry, in honor of my little brother, who I miss every day. *sniff* I love you, Philip. And I always will.

  • "The Sting" has a few
    • The ending: Fry is in shambles; it is revealed that he stayed at the hospital for weeks hardly ever leaving Leela's side, spending the whole time begging her to "wake up". Maybe not as much of a Tear Jerker as "Leela's Homeworld" or "Jurassic Bark," but still very touching.
    • Terry's "GOOD-BYE FROM THE WORLD OF TOMORROW..." said in the exact same over-dramatic tone he uses to give WELCOME to Human Popsicles when they unfreeze. The other one that got me was Farnsworth's "Of course he still exists... as a frozen corpse in outer space! *hearty laugh, quickly turns into near-sobbing* oohh, I Made Myself Sad."
    • From Bender: "Whenever I would say 'Kill all humans', I'd whisper 'Except one'. Fry was that one."
    • This one was potent enough to spawn an album from a band that were fans of the show, populated largely by Tear Jerker songs.
  • The end of "Time Keeps on Slippin'": Fry realizing Leela will never know what it was that made her finally fall for him and marry him, combined with Bender's melancholy whistling of the Globetrotter tune was just too much for this troper...
  • In Beast With a Billion Backs, when Bender asks if he can go with Fry on the golden escalators to Yivo, and Fry answers, "Aw, sorry Bender. Robots don't go to Heaven." It's just the way Fry says it...
  • The ending of "I Dated A Robot". There's supposed to be an anti-piracy moral in there, but watching Fry tearfully blank out his beloved Lucy Liu-bot is just plain. . .sad.
    • "I'll always remember you Fry. MEMORY DELETED."
  • Leela's message to Fry in The Late Phillip J. Fry".

Leela: My whole life I have been mad at him, and it wasn't his fault.

    • And a couple minutes later in the same episode, Dear Fry, Our time together was short but it was the best of my life-Leela
  • Scruffy and Washbucket in Prisoner of Benda. "In another city we could be anyone we want-" "Go. Go now. Before I beg you to stay." It's as poignant as it is utterly, utterly ridiculous.
  • Nibbler noting that his cute little sailor outfit (his real naval uniform!) in That Darn Katz! belonged to his best friend, who died in it...
  • In "Godfellas", when the Shrimpkins (the tiny beings who live on Bender) are all killed in a nuclear war. "Look, Daddy! I'm hugging God. Maybe if I hug him real hard he'll save us from--"
  • There's something really powerful about Bender's breakdown at the end of "Lethal Inspection". Over the course of the episode he goes from a complete arrogant Jerkass to being so unable to cope with his mortality that he can do nothing but helplessly punch holes in the wall and cry. Anyone who's thought too hard about their own mortality knows that feeling.
  • Watching how the story progresses in "The Tip of the Zoidberg" caused tears to well up in this troper's eyes. Maybe it was due to the fact that it was written in the same fashion as "The Luck Of The Fryrish" (constantly switching between the past and present), but watching how Zoidberg and Farnsworth became the Cloudcuckoolander's they are today (it was a result of Tritonian Hypermalaria and Yetiism), and how their lifelong friendship was forged really tugged at the heartstrings. Especially when you find out that Farnsworth made Zoidberg promise he would perform a mercy killing on him if he ever started to exhibit signs of Hypermalaria, and when Farnsworth told Zoidberg many years later that he was starting to exhibit said symptoms and he had to uphold his promise.
  • "A Flight to Remember": Everyone of the main cast has just made it to the escape pod. Bender, actually having fallen in love instead of being the usual Jerkass hungry for wealth, has pulled (with great success) a very daring rescue for his newfound love, Contessa. The escape pod launches off, but is soon caught in a black hole due to excessive weight. Turns out that the excessive weight was Contessa. Horrified, Bender argues rather valiantly to change her mind, but is eventually convinced to let her go to save his life and the life of his coworkers. Despite the Mood Whiplash of a joke that followed (Bender finding out that the Contessa's necklace is a fake), it was truly an unexpected tearjerker from a character that, back then, was not known for many.
  • In the latest season's episode, "Overclockwise", I got choked up during this bit:

Fry: Don't go, Leela. Please. You and me, we were supposed to...
Leela: ...What?
Fry: I don't know. But some day we'll find out... won't we?

  • Also in "Overclockwise", the ending where Fry and Leela silently read through Bender's prediction of their ultimate fate together. They make no comments but their varying expressions as they read through the ups and downs of their relationship totally made me tear up, and I hadn't even watched the full episode.
  • "Where The Buggalo Roam"'s ending. Kif has just managed to rescue the girl of his dreams and the entire heard of buggalo while FLYING THROUGH A DUST TORNADO ON A BUGGALO, A FEAT THAT ONLY THOSE WHO WERE TRUE MARTIANS WERE SAID TO HAVE ACCOMPLISHED, and managed to convince the native Martians to let the Wongs keep their land with very little incident and a fairer deal, yet, despite all his efforts to Amy's parents, they still hate him, and are convinced that Zap was the one responsible for all Kif's achievements.
    • This one is mitigated a bit by Amy's admission that one of the reasons she likes Kif is because her parents don't like him.
  • Quite a few appear in Bender's Big Score.
    • This Troper's favorite involves the scene where Fry goes back to the past and manages to live in his old time, eating dinner with his family, playing basketball with his brother again and with the seven-leafed clover making a cameo. *sniffle*
  • The ending to "Cold Warriors" features Fry and his father, Yancy Sr., ice fishing. After seeing his father being incredibly tough on Fry throughout the episode, he finally explains to his son that he's hard on him so he'll be able to be strong in the future. It's topped off with the line "Now, bundle up. I don't want you getting frozen."
  • Into the Wild Green Yonder, mostly due to ending the Grand Finale with a Bittersweet Ending / Cliff Hanger.