Ghostbusters: The Video Game/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Cult Classic: Among Ghostbusters fans, the game managed to have a good following.
  • Fetish Fuel: In-story example: if you listen to the messages after the museum level, you'll hear a call from a guy asking the Ghostbusters if they'll hook him up with one of the Possessor ghosts you fought.
  • Goddamned Bats: Has this in the form of flying books that screech like bats. The spider chandeliers qualify too, but their not nearly as annoying as the bat books who come in much greater numbers.
    • The Stone Cherubs. DEAR GOD the Stone Cherubs.
  • Nightmare Retardant: The Juvenile Giant Sloar, when looked at from a certain point of view, is Gypsy on steroids (and possibly roaring drunk too, what with all the puking it does). Shandor's Destructor form can be seen as this too: all the potential possibilities, and he limits himself to a stereotype cartoon devil.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Played straight quite a few times, though the most recent on received mostly positive reviews.
  • That One Boss: There's a reason why there are portals that can be used to help you defeat Azetlor...
  • Vindicated by History: After the failure of Feigbusters, fans looked back at this game for being the true Ghostbusters III before Ghostbusters: Afterlife comes out.