Grievous Harm with a Body/Playing With

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Basic Trope: Using a person's body or a part thereof as an Improvised Weapon.

  • Straight: Mark and Polly are surrounded by hundreds of Mooks. Polly uses her Super Strength to grab Mark and clobber the nearest Mook over the head with him.
  • Exaggerated: Polly specializes in Grievous Harm with a Body, and dual-wields flailing Mooks, one of which is Mark.
  • Downplayed: Mark falls asleep, and Polly wakes him by gently slapping him with his own hand.
  • Justified: Polly lacks a proper weapon, and Mark is both Nigh Invulnerable and really solid, and therefore is an effective bludgeon.
  • Inverted: One of the mooks has Healing Hands; Polly tries to swing it around as a Healing Shiv
  • Subverted: Polly hoists Mark over her head... and tosses him across the battlefield to where he'll be safe.
  • Double Subverted: A Reveal Shot shows that Mark knocked down several Mooks on the way over to his "safe spot".
  • Parodied: A Giant Mook on the opposing side grabs his colleagues and proceeds to have a "Body-fight!" with Polly, much to Mark's distaste.
  • Deconstructed: Polly's habit of using Mark as a weapon leaves him with just as much physical trauma as the people she beats up, if not more. Mark is practically dead by the end of the battle.
  • Reconstructed: No he isn't. Mark is Made of Iron, so he takes a lot less damage than his opponents do.
  • Zig Zagged: Polly wields Mark in some fights, and in others relies on her bare-hands and her wits.
  • Averted: Mark and Polly rely on Good Old Fisticuffs.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Polly, why can't you use a normal weapon like everyone else, instead of me?"
  • Invoked: Mark goads Polly into using him as a weapon, knowing himself as a Non-Action Guy despite his resistance to damage.
  • Defied: Polly attempts to use mark in this manner, but he squirms out of her grip in blind panic.
  • Discussed: “Hey, I wonder if you would be useful as a projectile…”
  • Conversed: “…That has got to hurt.” “Mark, or the other guy?” “Both really.”

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