Lemmy's Land

Revision as of 10:15, 19 March 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (Dai-Guard moved page Lemmys Land (Fanfic) to Lemmys Land over redirect: Remove TVT Namespaces from title)

Lemmy's Land is a Mario fansite, but mostly dedicated to the Koopalings from Super Mario Bros 3. Webmaster Lemmy (named after his favorite Koopaling) takes submissions from people on the site and updates every Saturday. "Super Koopas" (users who've submitted a lot) gain access to a secret page to see updates a week ahead of time. The website started on August 12th, 1998.

Visit it here if ya know what's good for ya!

Lemmy's Land provides examples of:

  • Added Alliterative Appeal
  • Affectionate Parody: Many of the fun fictions are this to the different games.
  • April Fools' Day: In 2006 Lemmy announced that due to wrist pain, a few sections of the site had to be discontinued. Later he said that he actually DID have wrist pain, but wasn't shutting anything down.
  • Butt Monkey: A long-running series of "scribbles" by various authors showcase Luigi "teaching" people how to do things while Toad gets no mercy.
    • Iggy Koopa is usually beaten by Roy Koopa.
    • In the Roy's Sports Hall section of the site, Larry tends to have bad luck. Ironically, he was the winner of season six.
  • Crack Fic: The Scribbles section of the site usually has these.
  • The Ditz: Mario, who's been hilariously dumbed down in the Lemmy universe.
  • Hulk Speak: Yoshi, but that's probably due to the cartoons.
  • An Ice Gun: Lemmy's Weapon of Choice.
  • Karma Houdini: Roy never seems to get any comeuppance for how he treats Larry at the Sports Hall.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: Basically all Super Mario Bros games are canon here so any character is able to appear, also there are cameo appearances, characters from Mario's expanded universe.
  • Original Character: Prominent contributors have had a few, such as Karma Koopa, a Koopa/Yoshi hybrid, and Susan B. Koopa, a Koopa cousin.
    • Many users create their own as well, typically for the "interview" section.
    • OC Stand In: Clawdia Koopa, Bowser's wife who was mentioned in an issue of Nintendo Power UK.
  • Running Gag: Some that the whole site use, but also each member typically has their own.
    • Mario: "Cheese!"
    • Morton: "Wedding Cake!"
    • Ludwig: "Chocolate!"
      • He has another one where he explains something in Techno Babble, usually resulting in the listener(s) being confused and Ludwig resorting to a more straightforward answer.
    • Toad: "$#@%^&$%&$^#!!" and variations thereof. He is also obsessed with pie.
    • Waluigi: "Waah! (anything relevant) is scary!"
      • I'm AFRAID of (item)!
    • Last line of many interviews: "End transmission!"
    • Dark Koopa: "Look! Balloons!"
    • In Dark Koopa interviews, Pink (a Yoshi goddess) will ask the interviewee if they like Yoshis. If the interviewee answers "no" (which usually happens), Pink's eyes turn an icy color, yells "QUEEEEEE!" and slaps the interviewee until they mysteriously disappear or die.
    • "Silence nonbeliever!"
  • Schedule Slip: On rare occasions "Lemmy" won't update the site for various reasons.
  • Symbol Swearing: Used often, as it is a family website and actual swearing is a BIG taboo that can get any user banned from the site if they use it.