New Girl/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Actor Shipping: Jake Johnson and Zooey Deschanel have been getting this recently.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Winston's flip-out with the napkins.
  • Ear Worm: The opening theme.
  • Genius Bonus: Winston thinking Crispin Glover was the first person to die in the Boston Massacre is funny. However, knowing that the name Winston meant to say was Crispus Attucks makes it hilarious.
  • Ho Yay: There's a one-sided element of this to Nick and Schmidt's friendship, much to Nick's dismay. Also, there's those times when Nick accidentally says borderline-romantic things to childhood friend Winston and then scrambles to correct himself.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Schmidt is an insufferably pompous windbag with delusions of grandeur, whose very presence summons memories of Ted Baxter and who is frequently insensitive, cruel and overly controlling of his friends. But he is on the receiving end of a lot of abuse at work due to being the only male, he seems incapable of forming meaningful relationships, his childhood was very unhappy (His mother was also a control freak and an oblivious Alcoholic), he spent much of his life being teased due to his weight (Which came about due to his unhappy homelife) and he is overall an enormous bundle of neuroses and compulsions barely keeping himself together.
  • Les Yay: While it can be explained as them being best friends since childhood, Cece really is very protective and caring of Jess.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Between the key fake-out and the coyote face-off, Jess in See Ya.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name:
    • Nick/Jess is already being called Ness and/or Nessie. Jick doesn't quite sound right.
    • Schmess for Schmidt/Jess.
    • Schmece (Schmidt/Cece)
  • Shipping:
    • If Tumblr is anything to go by, there is already a small fandom of people who ship Nick/Jess and a handful for Jess/Schmidt.
    • And as of the third episode, Jess/Winston.
    • And recently Cece/Schmidt.
    • And the obvious Les Yay pairing of Cece/Jess.
    • There's some Nick/Schmidt going on too.
  • Ship Mates: Nick/Jess and Cece/Schmidt.
  • Tear Jerker: The episode "Injured" became this as it showed just how broken and unhappy Nick truly is and how much he regrets many of his life decisions.
    • The ending of Backslide...
  • The Woobie:
    • Jess.
    • Alternately -- or additionally -- Nick.
      • Nick is getting there more and more. He is stuck in a low paying job, his best friend is an egotistical douchebag who constantly judges him, he has such a poor credit history he can't even buy a phone, his relationships never seem to work out, he is extremely fragile emotionally, he has many dreams and ambitions he never fulfilled because he lacked confidence and he is filled with regret and self-loathing about his life. Then the writers made him think he had cancer. Which only became apparent through a severe back injury he had to go to a gynecologist for because he can't afford health insurance. To make matters worse, Nick is already incredibly cynical, not having the luxury of Jess' rose-tinted glasses.
        • Yeah, Jess got past her break-up angst (a lot more quickly and cleanly than Nick got past his) and has since been basically replaced by Nick as the designated woobie.