Percy Jackson & the Olympians/Awesome

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  • Tyson and Percy taking out those cannibals in the beginning of book 2.
  • I'm sure HALF those things Tyson said to Polyphemus in the last couple of chapters in The Sea Of Monsters qualifies as well.
    • There's a bit in that book, passed over in a single line, where Percy cuts arrows out of the air.
  • Percy's battle with Ares in The Lightning Thief?
    • Percy defeating Ares, god of war, in a swordfight. Can you imagine the strength, skill and savagery it must take to do that?
      • And Ares wasn't even in the movie.
  • The part where Percy completely pwns Hades' entire army and then forces the God of Death himself to retreat?!
  • From "Battle of the Labyrinth", Nico's final confrontation with Minos in Daedalus's workshop?

 King Minos: You have no power over me. I am the lord of spirits! The ghost king!

Nico di Angelo: No. (Nico draws his sword.) I am.

  • Clarisse killing the Lydian Drakon to avenge the death of Silena Beauregard.
    • While wearing no armor, for crying out loud!
    • "I AM CLARISSE, DRAKON-SLAYER! I will kill you ALL!"
      • And then getting the Blessing of Ares, making her as invulnerable as Percy.
  • Percy killing the Minotaur by ripping out its horn and shoving it into its ribcage.
  • Percy voluntarily stepping in to hold up the sky in Artemis's place. And then Artemis whipping out two absurdly long knives (and keep in mind that she has the body of a twelve-year-old) and ripping Atlas a new one long enough to trick him into taking the weight of the sky back.
  • Briares killing Kampe.
  • Poseidon and The Cavalry helping the Olympians defeat Typhon and send him to Tartarus.
  • Beckendorf sacrificing himself to destroy the Princess Andromeda.
  • Luke's Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Annabeth landing the Dare Enterprises helicopter. Without actually knowing how to pilot it.
  • Percy giving up the Nemean Lion's fur. More specifically, the way he looks at Zoe and says clearly, "I'm not Hercules." His newfound appreciation for what true heroism means is a turning point for his character. Plus, he was giving up a freaking bulletproof vest' with probably a bunch of other really cool features, just because he thought it was the right thing to do. That's epic heroism or nothing is.
  • Percy convincing the gods not to kill the Ophiotaurus.
  • Silena convincing the Ares campers that she was Clarisse.
  • How has Percy single-handedly defeating Hades's army of Roman soldiers and redcoats, not to mention getting close enough to threaten Hades himself, after bathing in the River Styx and achieving invulnerability not gotten on here yet? Coming close was the moment in the battle for Olympus where Percy (again, single-handedly) turned the tide against a battle between the Apollo cabin and an army of monsters by cutting through most of the army himself.
  • Zoe Nightshade is pretty awesome, but this troper gained a whole new respect for her after reading Battle of the Labyrinth. There, we learn that the nymphs in general still harbor a powerful grudge over Hercules rerouting a river to wash away centuries of horse...droppings. And then we remember Zoe's throwaway line from TC about water nymphs. "They've never forgiven me." Zoe had been helping Hercules all along. All those labors where he actually had to think, and not just pummel things? That was her.
  • Speaking of Zoe, taking a quest knowing full well that you're going to die horribly (she knows how much her father hates her, and she must have known that if she was going to die by his hand, it wouldn't be pleasant) because your goddess needs you is pretty awesome/heartwarming on its own.
  • What, nothing for Nico? This troper thought he was one badass twelve year old when he showed up with his skeletal army, made the army of Kronos part for him, and pretty much saved the day.
  • The mortals in this series get all the best Moments of Awesome.
    • There's Rachel nailing Kronos in the eye with her hairbrush in Battle of the Labyrinth, and later her assumption of the Oracle of Delphi, even though it drove the last mortal host mad.
    • Percy's mom and stepdad get theirs in The Last Olympian. His stepdad, who can't even see through the Mist (the stuff that makes monsters and so on Invisible to Normals) grabs a sword and duels one of the monsters, and his mother blows one away with a shotgun... but what makes this truly awesome is that when Percy asks when she learned to fire a shotgun, she calmly responds, "About two seconds ago."
    • Four words for you: Frederick Chase, Sopwith Camel. That is all.
  • Annabeth stabbing her knife through a Laistrygonian giant's back, reveals herself with a gust of awesomeness and then punches Sloan in the nose.
  • "You're not going to hurt Zoe. I won't let you." Keeping in mind that Zoe has not really been all that nice to him at all, Percy's willingness to stand up to the Titan General to protect her more than qualify. Especially as he comes close to being killed doing it.
  • In The Last Olympian, Percy faces the Minotaur in a Duel to the Death. And takes it out without breaking a sweat. He then charges the two-hundred plus army of monsters, all by himself. He kills all but twenty, who flee in terror, also without breaking a sweat. He then takes on Kronos, the Titan Lord himself. And not only survives, which is a CMOA in itself, but makes Kronos break a sweat.
    • Really, pretty much everything Percy does in The Last Olympian is a CMOA. Well, pretty much anything any hero does is a CMOA. That includes Luke's Heroic Sacrifice to defeat Kronos. Also a major Tear Jerker.
    • Special mention should also go to Percy taking on another Titan, Hyperion by himself and pretty much stalemating with him for the whole fight. Keep in mind Hyperion is specifically mentioned as being second only to Atlas and Kronos in terms of power among the Titans. Grover also gets a moment here for beating Hyperion by more-or-less sealing him in a tree
  • The Party Ponies beating back armies of monsters with NERF baseball bats, arrows and paintball guns laced with celestial bronze. Whilst screaming insults at each other over who has the better chapter.
  • Chiron standing up to his father.
  • Hades' Big Damn Hero moment in The Last Olympian. It was about damn time one of Kronos' children got their own Calling the Old Man Out scene.
  • When Percy sends the Olympians Medusa's head knowing they'd be ticked off.