Pokémon Dawn and Dusk/Characters

Revision as of 19:45, 29 November 2013 by Gethbot (talk | contribs) (clean up)

Main Characters



  • Badass Bookworm: Everytime you encounter him, he is reading a book.
  • Black Eyes
  • Character Development: He goes from a Jerkass thinking that he can defeat anybody with strong pokemon and a solid strategy and refusing to accept a loss by saying "It was just a miscalculation." and seeing you as nothing more than an inferior trainer and a punching bag to test his Pokemon's strength against to becoming a true ally and friend who even helps you take down the Unity Brotherhood and finally learning that one who wins a battle isn't the trainer with the strongest Pokemon and the best strategy, but the trainer with the strongest conviction.
  • Expy: Of Green/Blue and possibly the Masked Man.
  • The Rival


Professor Moore

Side Characters


  • Expy- Of Bill from the original games.
  • Cool Big Sis- Elder twin Sister to Gym Leader Gena.

Elder Chaser

  • Badass Grandpa- As you climb up Requiem Tower and fight the Unity Grunts their, they talk about how they were completely thrashed by some old man with only a Caimuertos. Not to mention being Alder's own grandfather...

Gym Leaders


  • Early Bird Boss- He's the first Gym Leader and his strongest pokemon is Scroach at Level 15, which is likely to stroner than anything you have, plus it's part Ghost Type and this early in the game, will be immune to almost all of your attacks, and finally it has Headbutt, a move with 75 power.

Elite Four

Unity Brotherhood