Rescue Heroes
Rescue Heroes was a toy series turned children's show back on Teletoon that taught kids about safety and a couple of other issues starting back at 1999.
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Tropes used in Rescue Heroes include:
- Art Evolution: Season one is different design wise from the second and third seasons. This is due to switching from Wang Film Productions (Credited as Hong Gaung) to AKOM.
- Emergency Services: The whole show is built around them.
- Meaningful Name: Every single character's name has to do with their job.
- Alliterative Name: Billy Blazes, Wendy Waters, Jake Justice.
- Punny Name: Rocky Canyon, Ariel Flyer, Jack Hammer.
- Merchandise-Driven
- Missing Episode: "Terror in the Tower", later called "High Anxiety" was apparently banned about a year after the 9/11 attacks.
- The Movie: All in CG. Also to provide a very long commercial to promote their new toy.