• Alternate Character Interpretation/Ron the Death Eater: In this journal by Humon herself, Sweden is re-interpreted as a Complete Monster Depraved Homosexual Manipulative Bastard who tried to seduce Finland and abandoned him when he resisted, did... something to Denmark that destroyed his mind and left him as a Man Child, and secretly collaberated with Nazi Germany.
  • Crazy Awesome: Iceland.
    • Australia- He brought his surfboard up north and when there were no waves to ride he rode his wombat instead!
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Finland.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: France. She only appeared in 4 strips so far but the sheer amount of Fan Art and cosplay of her decidedly puts her among the most popular minor characters.
    • Sister Japan. Before being introduced, the fan club had a large number of submissions speculating what she'd look like, Humon introduced her just to get it out of the way, and a popular character was born.
  • Flanderization: Sister America started out as a Rich Bitch parody of shallow valley girls who are obsessed with plastic surgery, then she became a girl obsessed with sounding liberal without knowing anything about liberalism to balance out her brother's conservatism. Then she met Sister Japan and now she's mainly just a Yaoi Fangirl.
    • She's seems to have backpedaled from this characterization in recent comics, though.
  • Hollywood Homely: Averted, Humon goes out of her way to show how Finland and his sister are not sexy beautiful people, and are plain at best. She also tries to show that Norway is also just slightly overweight, and has recently adjusted Sister Denmark's character design to make it clearer that she's meant to look more masculine.
  • Ho Yay
    • Norway and Denmark.
    • Sweden and Åland.
    • America becomes ecstatically happy when Canada sits on his head.
    • Foe Yay: Sweden and Finland.
    • England apparently still sleeps in the same bed as all of his grown sons in their underwear (plus New Zealand).
  • Les Yay: Sister Norway and Sister Denmark. Sister Sweden and... well, everyone.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Iceland.
    • Christiania is a boy with long hair.
    • New South Wales is a ewe.
    • Australia.
    • Ireland.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Badass?: Denmark is insufficiently metal.
  • The Woobie:
    • Canada, in a way. If you were forced to be America's hat, you would be a woobie too.
    • Modern Germany, too, in sharp contrast to Jerkass Nazi Germany (yes, they're separate characters here).
    • Word of God is that Poland is the country you go to to abuse.
    • Estonia is getting there.