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* [[Scrappy Mechanic]]: Stage 3-2 is a wannabe sidescroller stage.
* [[Spiritual Licensee]]: There's actually a third ''[[Sin and Punishment]]'' title out. It's called ''[[Kid Icarus: Uprising]]''.
* [[That One Boss]]: {{spoiler|Transformed Achi - Earth Mimicry}}. Considering the bonus for this boss requires practically frame-perfect movement and aiming to stop any collateral damage AND that there's three ways to lose the fight: (you die, time runs out, or {{spoiler|Earth is destroyed by Achi}}...
** Also the goddamned "Heart Seeker". You are Airan, chasing the boss, a giant missile on a levitating platform, trying to shoot it down. It doesn't attack you. Why is it so difficult? Because it's aimed at Ruffian Saki. If it hits him, you die. It's been given enough hitpoints so that you can only possibly kill it if you basically NEVER MISS IT on the way down and then get pretty much the maximum possible amount of slashes in on it at the last minute when you're actually close enough. And Saki is attacking you the entire time, just to make life difficult. Oh, and this was on normal. Hard is hell.
** Heart Seeker is easier to beat when you don't lock on it, which you may not realize because you just fought a boss that you almost had to lock on to beat. Also, experienced players can position themselves so that Saki's shots will hit the heart seeker, but its a shock at first.

Latest revision as of 16:44, 19 February 2018

  • Anticlimax Boss: The final boss is rather easy to beat, but if you want to go for a Perfect Run (shoot every bullet thrown by the boss), that's a different story. Higher difficulty levels, however, will live up to the game's reputation.
  • Awesome Music: Agave, the BGM of Stage 2-1 and the Training stage, and Ally Risker's, the BGM of Stage 3-2.
  • Demonic Spiders: The centuar-like Seemers near the end of Stage 3-3 can deal heavy damage with their boomerang-like projectile that can sweep across the bottom or top halves of the screen and sometimes they attack at the worst possible time for you to dodge.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Airan's Big No whenever she is hit.
    • And then there's Leda: "FIGHT ME! NYYA! NYYA! NYAA-AOW! EYAAAAAA! NYYAAAAA!" It's at it's worst near the middle of 2-1, where she goes "NYAA" no less then eight times.
  • Narm: Saki's voice(s). He sounds like a teenager in cutscenes and dialogue, yet when you're in control of him and making him attack, take damage, and get knocked down, he sounds like a middle-aged man.
    • A lot of the voice acting in general is So Bad It's Good, especially Achi constantly overlapping her own dialogue.
    • The evil aliens are called the Ruffians. And people say that with all seriousness.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Stage 3-2 is a wannabe sidescroller stage.
  • Spiritual Licensee: There's actually a third Sin and Punishment title out. It's called Kid Icarus: Uprising.
  • That One Boss: Transformed Achi - Earth Mimicry. Considering the bonus for this boss requires practically frame-perfect movement and aiming to stop any collateral damage AND that there's three ways to lose the fight: you die, time runs out, or Earth is destroyed by Achi...
    • Also the goddamned "Heart Seeker". You are Airan, chasing the boss, a giant missile on a levitating platform, trying to shoot it down. It doesn't attack you. Why is it so difficult? Because it's aimed at Ruffian Saki. If it hits him, you die. It's been given enough hitpoints so that you can only possibly kill it if you basically NEVER MISS IT on the way down and then get pretty much the maximum possible amount of slashes in on it at the last minute when you're actually close enough. And Saki is attacking you the entire time, just to make life difficult. Oh, and this was on normal. Hard is hell.
    • Heart Seeker is easier to beat when you don't lock on it, which you may not realize because you just fought a boss that you almost had to lock on to beat. Also, experienced players can position themselves so that Saki's shots will hit the heart seeker, but its a shock at first.
  • That One Level: Stage 2-2, you constantly bombarded by gunfire by turrets from gunship cruisers that are both bothersome and annoying, you can easily miss the time bonus from the mid-boss roughly half-way through and time items don't show until further in the level, plus if you're trying to get a high score run, missing chance to slash the mothership's core will strip you of your entire stage clear bonuses.
    • Stage 3-2 can also be one since the controls were not made for a 2D side-scroller, and you'll be fight the controls more than Ruffians.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Saki isn't exactly the most masculine looking video game character, leading to someone on NSider2's first thought on seeing his assist trophy update in the Super Smash Bros. blog, "Who's the chick?"