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** Though this isn't explored further in the anime, the manga reveals that while her uncle and aunt are very religious Christians, she only goes along with them because they've been so kind to her; she holds no religious beliefs whatsoever.
* Sister Teresa Beria of ''[[Seikon no Qwaser]]''. Doubles as an action girl, but in her very first action scene she bares her chest so her partner Sasha can drink Soma and power up..
* Most [[Nuns Are Mikos|nuns]] in ''[[ToA AruCertain Majutsu noMagical Index]]'' wear relatively reasonable habits, considering the ridiculousness of what they actually do, but one, Sister Agnese, upon her return is wearing a habit that is more [http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/2876/agnese1ep15.png holey] than [[A Worldwide Punomenon|holy]].
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