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== Films -- Live-Action ==
* Played 100% straight in ''[[Blood Diamond]]''.{{context}}
* In ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]: At World's End'', James Norrington's reversion to the honorable man he was in the first movie, compared to his more amoral behavior in the second, leads to his death at the hands of Bootstrap Bill while ensuring Elizabeth's escape.
* Darth Vader (pictured above) could likely be the [[Trope Codifier]]. At the climax of ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'', the Emperor is electrocuting Luke with force lightning. Choosing his son over all power, Darth Vader lifts the Emperor away from Luke, hurls him down the Death Star reactor shaft, and as he does so is himself shocked, shorting out his life support system. After one last talk with his son, he dies peacefully. On the bright note Anakin became [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|one with the force]], along side Yoda, and Obi-wan.
* Horribly apparent in the run-of-the-mill [[Harrison Ford]] action/suspense movie ''[[Firewall]]''. Within a certain character's first few lines, it becomes obvious what his eventual fate will be.
* Sort-of in ''[[Scarface]]'': Tony Montana is shown to be [[Even Evil Has Standards|not-so-bad]] when he refuses to make a hit that will involve children in the collateral and pays for it when Sosa orders him killed. But he also kills his best friend and sister's future husband.
* Fox in ''[[Wanted]]'' gets hit with this one, although it's a little closer to Redemption ''Is'' Death.
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