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''[That night, in bed]''
'''Calvin:''' ''Hey!!'' }}
*:* [[Aesop Amnesia|Calvin fell for these tricks repeatedly.]] Another example:
{{quote|'''Calvin:''' Susie, what's the answer to this question?
'''Susie:''' "Imadoofus."
'''Calvin:''' ''[writing it down]'' Thanks. ''[[[Beat] Panel|Beat]]'' The tooth fairy's gonna make you rich tonight, Susie... }}
*:* ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]'' seems to be a font of Late to the Punchline for those who read it as children.
* Matt Groening's ''[[Life in Hell]]'' has a very cute one. Milhouse Mouse is telling all his friends (including Bongo the Rabbit) a dirty joke about a lady who owned a little dog named "Freeshow." The punchline is that one day the lady was in the bathtub and realized that Freeshow had gotten out, so she jumped out of the tub and ran out the front door, tearing down the neighborhood street completely naked while screaming: "Freeshow! Freeshow!" All the kids laugh except for Bongo, whose face remains expressionless. Then he goes home, does his homework, eats dinner, etc.....before finally climbing into bed for the night, and ''then'' he gets the joke and starts laughing.
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