Street Fighter (film)/Memes
- The day Bison graced <insert_something_here> was the most important day of your life. "But for Me It Was Tuesday". [1]
- OF COURSE! [2]
- Quick! Change the channel![3]
- You got... paid? (Unfortunately, Balrog wasn't there to fully cash in on that scene.) [4]
- From Dee Jay: "Oh man, I should have stayed at Microsoft". [5]
- ↑ Bison's Crowning Moment of Awesome, when Chun-Li called him out for killing her father. Notable because it codified and named an awesome trope.
- ↑ Bison dramatically turns and delivers this line when Sagat shows surprise at the reveal that Guile faked his death. Popularized as a meme by The Nostalgia Critic in reference to any villain whose plan is to, you guessed it, Take Over the World.
- ↑ Dimwitted Zangief comment as a video broadcast displays an explosive heading directly for Bison's base.
- ↑ Zangief makes a Heel Face Turn after discovering that not only was Bison the villain, but his compatriots (most notably Dee Jay) only worked for Bison for the money. Balrog addendum is a reference to his "I GOT PAID!" winquote from the Capcom vs. SNK games.
- ↑ During the siege on Bison's base as Dee Jay attempts to escape.
- ↑ Bison's triumphant exclamation as he destroys Guile's stealth boat and believes he's finished him off.
- ↑ Bison's excessively hammy proclamation to Guile in their final fight...moments before he's beaten.