Fridge Brilliance

  • Malachite uses the Power Glove to physically control the Nostalgia Critic, dressed as Link, while using magic or sweet fighting moves on everyone else.
    • It's better when you notice the pose the Critic appears to be in with each hit.
  • The Channel Awesome crew being the ones sent on the quest seems very appropriate once you find out that Malecite wants to destroy the world because he hates science and technology usurping magic as the dominant power of civilization. Who better to defend the 21st century than internet personalities who are famous for reviewing movies and video games?
    • What makes this even better, is the fact that Benzaie is dressed as Conan, who, as we all know, doesn't like sorcery.
  • The Voice of the Ancients was defeated by a pair of music critics.
  • Malecite being revealed as a hypocrite is rather fitting, considering that the only reason Aeon began the age of technology was because he could not be trusted. It really is all his fault.
  • Larry Prince is Lori Prince's father, just like Barney Walker is the father of Doug Walker (the actors who play them).
  • Spoony manages to walk off a double-orbit and crash-landing on Earth on account of wearing a Star Sapphire ring, which protects the wearer from the harshness of space travel.
  • Fifteen people manage to pull a successful Stealth Goodbye on the Nostalgia Critic and later half of them pull it again on the Cloaks. One year earlier, Linkara was the head of the Kickassian FBI and trained most of them on how to be stealthy.
  • Todd, despite his threat to Jew Wario in Part 1, is the only gun-wielder in the cast who doesn't become the Combat Pragmatist when the chips are down. Makes sense, as in-universe (see: his Driven to Suicide moment in the "Imma Be" review), it's genuinely not a real gun.
  • The stinger on the DVD. Malechite, who wanted to use the magic gauntlet to destroy the world of technology, is defeated. Who ends up with it instead? Mechakara, who wants to use magic to help robots conquer the world. Not sure if Irony is the right word, but one should take into account the implications of defiance of Evil Is One Big Happy Family, and Malecite's greatest weapon just ended up in the hands of his polar opposite.
  • According to commentary, Benzaie's line when he enters dressed as Conan was supposed to be "Krum", the god in the Conan films, but instead he says "Come". This actually works just as well though, because in the Conan review Nostalgia Critic asked what it would be like for someone to work out their entire lives--cut to an interview with Arnold who compares it to "cumming".
  • Am I the only one who thinks the sword the Critic takes from Mickey after the Master Sword breaks looks like the White Sword from the first game?
  • This may be slightly meta, but: there is a deleted line from Linkara during the end (mentioned in Lewis' commentary on the movie) that says that he's having Pollo work on a solution to being dead. Just a harmless Call Back to his own show in and of itself, but it's fortunate that the line was removed, because earlier he made the speech about Phelous finally realizing that "True friends are made of flesh and blood, not material posessions". Wouldn't it have made him quite the terrible hypocrite to say something like that when his own closest companion is a robot?
  • I don't know if it was intentional or just a bit of colour-blind casting that worked really well, but I appreciated the fact Malachite had dark skin. A time period isn't specified, but it's safe to guess a time full of magic would be before whatever evolutionary elements that produced paler skinned people came into play.
  • Malachite's use of the "I love the Power Glove, it's so bad" line at first seems like damaging the character's anti-modernist/technology credentials just to work in the famous line, but it makes total sense once we find out he's a hypocrite who uses an iPhone.
  • Malachite suffers pain after ripping out that guy's heart: the main reason is because his use of magic drains his life force, but this could also be a subtle clue that the key to his defeat lies with 'heart'.
  • Possible an unintended Shout-Out: The Nostalgia Critic/Link draws forth a powerful item of magic forged long ago. The Big Bad appears afterwards and takes an ultimate power from him. This power is put against its opposite and the Big Bad is defeated in the end, with the loss of the hero's companion as the cost of victory. Sound familiar?
  • At Ma-Ti's funeral, Mickey says they should've used a Pop Tarts container for his remains. In the first part, the Critic calls Ma-Ti a Pop Tart.

Fridge Horror

  • Malecite finger flicks Spoony into a double-orbit and crash-landing on Earth. He also punches Gaffers straight into the air at a speed that surpassed escape velocity and never came down.
  • Spoony has horrible memories of Kickassia (not the least of which, him being forced to become Dr. Insano, which he tried to put behind him). His Big No is certainly warranted.
  • The home owner seemed strangely non-chalant about being duct taped on the couch. Then you find out that she has Ask That Guy in her basement. Not only is being tied up likely a regular occurance for her, but her Death Glare towards Team B could be interpreted as a Stockholm Syndrome induced Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?