Talk:Adjective Noun Fred

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Labster (talkcontribs)

The vast majority of these titles do not begin with adjectives. They're pretty much all nouns. Also, who the heck is Fred? Is it some Right Said Fred reference who -- actually why aren't they on the page?

I think the thing going on for most of these titles is that they're Japanese and wikipedia:Japanese equivalents of adjectives would normally take -na, or true nouns take -no. But the title is stylized by running all the words together without particles (read: prepositions) to make a more exciting sounding title.

Is a more accurate name possible here? I can't think of one.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Dunno about today, but back when I was in college, "Fred" was the metasyntactic variable for a random person or name -- similar to Alice and Bob. "When in doubt, Fred" would frequently come up when a name was needed in various contexts. I swear, half the NPC character sheets I created for my college D&D campaign started with names like "Fred Cleric" or "Fred MU" just so I didn't spend the first 10 minutes of character generation trying to think up a name.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

While 'Something Something Someone' would be technically more accurate, it would lose something in meaning... and we'd also have to say it isn't a supertrope to Something Something Leonard Bernstein.

That's the only replacement suggestion that I can think of right now.

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