Talk:The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 film)/Laconic

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Phoenixian (talkcontribs)

You guys are really determined to make this site even less fun than TV Tropes. I didn't think anyone could be bigger killjoys but there it is. Achievement unlocked.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I think the fun went away when somebody used the word "genocide". Who was that, again?

And if you get upset when somebody asks you to double-check your own text, maybe you shouldn't be editing any wiki at all. Quoting from the text on every edit screen, between the edit window and the "Save changes" button: "If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then do not submit it here."

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

The wiki isn't your personal whiteboard for demonstrating your politics and alleged cleverness. If you can't hack other people calling you out on your contributions, especially when they're made simply to show off how "edgy" you are rather than give a true and reasonably accurate assessment of a work, you'd be better off with a blog without a comments section.

Phoenixian (talkcontribs)

lol kill yourselves

Phoenixian (talkcontribs)

And yeah I'm the other guy you chased off, who was one of this site's half dozen active users. If you wanna play around on your own private wiki puffing yourselves up and looking down your nose at everyone, maybe be honest that it's just your own personal playground. Hell, you almost chased off one of your own little inner circle of dudes this place exists to jerk off by getting into an intellection discussion of defending pedobait.

This site's a joke, you don't even have articles for most of the biggest movies, films, and series in the last five or more years because you've got no users, your subreddit's been abandoned for years, and no one knows the place exists. But yeah sure, act like you're just defending the academic integrity of the place. Losers.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

You're welcome to your opinion. I would point out that you insist on coming back to hang out with us "losers". Can't find anyone else who will put up with you?

Your first few edits upon returning (including the one you deleted) were all "lol kill yourselves". Combined with this little rant, I can't help but get the feeling you don't like the community here. So we're going to make it easier for you to avoid accidentally wandering in here among people you don't like and who won't slavishly praise you when you post garbage. I'm sure you'll appreciate this for what it is: an effort to guarantee that you're truly happy with the online company you find.

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak, @GethN7

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I find it interesting that this particular troper only comes out (a) to lambaste the people who have to take time away from productive work in order to uphold the site's Terms of Service (b) just after somebody else has been told not to make prejudiced posts. Coincidence or causation? If the latter, then it's a deliberate violation of rule 1, "You promise not to be a huge jerk on our site."

Then again, posting "lol kill yourselves" is also a deliberate violation of Rule 1.

Since "Phoenixian" can't at least pretend to be a grown-up, I support the tempban. Catering to its trolling is distracting us from making articles about newer works.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I get the impression he's about twelve, or maybe has been stuck there for a few years.

And it's certainly below his dignity to actually write something other than random harassment, so we shouldn't expect him to put any effort in. I mean, the wiki exists to serve him and him alone, donchyaknow. Why should he bother helping improve it?

It's pretty obvious that if/when he comes back, he will probably work himself into a full permanent ban. In which case, we should provide him with a lavish parting GIFT when he does.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

Charming. You can either help fix the problem or curse us for the problem existing in the first place. The first would be helpful, the second is pointless.

If all you wish to do is the second one, then please go elsewhere.

And what exactly do you mean by "pedobait"? We cover all forms of media so long as they are legal to discuss under law, even those considered morally vile by certain standards, but otherwise are legal to discuss under the laws in force where our servers are hosted. If this offends you that greatly, we do not apologize for our committment to avoid censorship except as imposed by applicable law.

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