Talk:Vegetarian Zombie

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Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Nine examples, reasonable description. Could use a category or two more. And I bet we can find an illo for this. But overall... launchable. Any objections?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

None. I'm launching this one.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I know they have to be out there -- I'm sure I've seen a one-panel cartoon or two on the subject, and I have vague memories of an xkcd strip as well.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

I need to work on focusing on specific tasks anyway, so I figure I may as well improve my Workshop presence on the side. I'll take a peek and see - I'm more of a hobbyist tropewise than anything, so it takes me a bit to do any kind of sustained digging.

That said, I'm... more than dubious on the real life example posted, and I'd think at bare minimum it badly needs some clarification.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

If the training program actually uses Vegetarian Zombies as part of its scenario, then I'd call that a perfectly valid example. If, however, whoever wrote the example simply pointed out the effects vegetarian zombies could have, and they're not actually part of the program, then no, that's not a real example and it should be deleted.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

I'm inclined to think it's the latter - considering the place of the zombie in pop culture, the presence of 'actual' zombies in any capacity would've gotten way more recognition to the point I would've probably heard about it first from somewhere other than a question example on a troping website.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

And not a few minutes later, I've found the genesis of that claim, along with some news sources that elaborate on the matter. There was a declassified DoD document that depicts fictional zombie scenarios as a means of training in military planning, and the news articles linked explicitly mention "vegetarian zombies". The actual document itself describes them on page 7, so the example more than checks out, it's just lazily/terribly written.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

...but someone for whom English is their primary language needs to go through this and turn all the bizarre sentence structures into readable English.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Done. I think I caught most of the odd turns of phrase.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Cool. I caught one misspelling after (hoard/horde).

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