Talk:Yandere Simulator

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Goo Monster (talkcontribs)

I think it would be cool if we could make it so that if your cursor goes over the picture, it shows the bloody version. Failing that, maybe someone can make a gif where it goes from one to the other on it's own.

SelfCloak (talkcontribs)

As the uploader of those images, I approve wholly! I'm checking a gif creator website to see what I can tinker with the pics.

Edit: Done! I even animated the images like in the main menu. What a great idea you had, Goo!

This post was posted by SelfCloak, but signed as Olicool10.

Hey, Goo Monster...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

How about a link, or a publisher, or something? I mean, presumably the game exists -- where is it?

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