That Is All

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The final entry in the Complete World Knowledge trilogy, John Hodgman's last book of fake trivia, and, quite possibly, the last book ever to be printed before the arrival of RAGNAROK and the end of the Earth.

And as the dull, watery sun washed out those long nights, I would go back up to my room and I would look into my mirror, and I would ask in the queasy dawn:
And the mirror would answer:
MY NAME IS JOHN HODGMAN. But that is all over now.[1]

Compared to The Areas of My Expertise and More Information Than You Require, That Is All retains the humor of its predecessors even as it takes a much darker tone. Hodgman's fame is waning, and now, a newly-minted Deranged Millionaire, he's taken it upon himself to document his Albuterol-induced visions of the final year of human civilization.

That Is All provides examples of, and parodies, the following tropes: