The Internet Is for Porn/Quotes

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The internet is for porn!

The internet is for porn!

Why you think the 'net was born?

Porn! Porn! Porn!
Trekkie Monster, Avenue Q
"Don't believe me? Just spend some time on your own comp-you tour. Take a look inside that big blue lower-case "e", and sex is everywhere. You don't even have to look for it. It comes to you. Girls strutting their stuff, guys pretending to be buff, but none is ever enough. Keep looking into the comp-you tour, and it only gets harder the deeper in you go. (Pun definitely intended.) You can see human men and woman in the act. And not just the act either. All sorts of acts. Deeds that, by no stretch of the imagination, would result in the birth of a human baby, but are mere indulgences of sex and its pleasures. ... I would fit right in."
Picture this scenario: It's 8 P.M. on a weekday night, and your 12-year-old child suddenly remembers that he has a major school report on the Spanish-American War due tomorrow. He needs to do some research, but the library is closed. No problem? Your cyber-savvy youngster simply turns on your computer, activates your modem, logs on to the Internet--the revolutionary "Information Superhighway"--and, in a matter of minutes, is exchanging pictures of naked women with other youngsters all over North America.
Dave Barry in Cyberspace

Jason: (using Compunet for the first time) Ms. October sure has big hooters.

Marcus: I wonder if that affects download time.

Internet porn! Roman orgy scenes!

Internet porn! Dominatrix queens!

Internet porn! Girl on girl on girl on girl on girl on guy on sheep!
Da Vinci's Notebook, Internet Porn.
"For anyone out there who is not aware of the vast array of pornography on the Internet, you are about to become far less productive."
Geraldo Rivera, My Name Is Earl
"I typed in "show me your boobs" into Google Image Search, and it did! It's like that robot I made, only it totally works! I typed in 'porn', and porn came up. I typed in 'breakfast', and porn came up. IT'S THE PERFECT SYSTEM!"
Michael Swaim, Agents of Cracked, episode 1x05: "The Web of Sites"
In the future, there will be a superconnected global network of billions of adding machines, each one of which has more power than all pre-1901 adding machines put together. One of the primary uses of this network will be to transport moving pictures of lesbian sex by pretending they are made out of numbers.
"Well, thanks to the Internet, I'm now bored with sex."
Phillip J. Fry, Futurama

Carl: You're the Internet's #1 non-porno site.

Lenny: Which makes you ten trillionth overall.
The Simpsons, I Am Furious Yellow

Jay: He's probably on the internet looking up the answers to the exam questions.

Neil: And then having a wank.

Simon: What?

Neil: Well, it's impossible, innit? I don't think I've ever been on the internet and not ended up having a wank.
series 2 episode 6, The Inbetweeners

"I'm fairly sure if they took porn off the Internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called 'Bring Back the Porn!'"

If porn was removed from the internet there sites like "A Chronological History of Porno Sites: Evidence of Pornography's Popularity (And Why It Should Return To the Internet)", "Top 10 Porn Sites You Never Heard of But Will Never Be Able to Visit", "A Systematic Study On Whether Or Not Porn Should Return to the Internet", and "Pornopedia: The Global Resource on Pornography". Don't make fun of me, i get very bored sometimes..."
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