Thomas and Monkey Comics

Thomas and Monkey Comics is a now-defunct web comic strip begun by Thomas Davidson in January 2010. The comic centers on the titular characters, Thomas and Monkey. Thomas is a court sketch artist who cracks horrifically bad jokes, usually while trying to pick up girls. Monkey is his roommate and (seemingly) only friend, a well-read primate who plays video games.

Thomas and Monkey

"Add ejaculate to the list of words you can't use when talking to women."

Thomas, on how his night out went.

"You know Monks, I don't know what I'd do without you." "You'd probably drink a lot more."

Thomas and Monkey's relationship.

The two have been friends since childhood and are now out in the adult world of nightclubs, deadlines, bills and unfulfilled dreams.

Monkey frequently questions why he is friends with Thomas, not least because he has seen Confessions of a Shopaholic over 20 times.

The webcomic is filled with bad pick-up lines, puns about genitals, drinking in the shower, and cigars on the rooftop.

A Wayback Machine copy of the site can be found here.

Tropes used in Thomas and Monkey Comics include: