Topic on Forum:Page Images

Goo Monster (talkcontribs)

Better to Die Than Be Killed suggestion . If we use it for the caption I was thinking of using one of the following:

  • Let you have the kill point!? Over his dead body!
  • Any soldier who inflicts injury upon himself to be excused from active duty shall be flogged, flayed then shot.
  • Any soldier who, in the face of the enemy, runs away, or shamefully abandons his post or guard, or induces others to do the like, or casts away his arms or ammunition, or attempts to take his own life shall be shot on the spot.
  • Any soldier who, in the face of the enemy attempts to take his own life shall be shot on the spot.
  • Any soldier who sells, or willfully or though neglect wastes any ammunition will be sent to a penal battalion.
GethN7 (talkcontribs)

I like both the picture and the first caption.