Topic on Forum:Trope Talk

Guess the trope: "Big Lipped Alligator Moment"

Summary by Robkelk

Trope has been renamed to Non Sequitur Scene.

Nerdanel (talkcontribs)

I had bumped into this trope several times and eventually started to remember it by how I could never remember what it was.

So go ahead and try to guess what Big Lipped Alligator Moment could be.

  • It's not Off-Model.
  • It's not about voice actors mumbling their lines.
  • It's not about animated animals looking awkward because of lip sync.
  • It's not about cartoon animals that look like racial stereotypes.
  • It's not about male cartoon characters changing their apparent facial anatomy by putting on lipstick.

I suggest for the trope name to be changed to BLAM Moment

SelfCloak (talkcontribs)

You have a good point, but naming it BLAM Moment would be redundant (Big Lipped Alligator Moment Moment)

I don't have good names at the moment.

This post was posted by SelfCloak, but signed as Olicool10.

Nerdanel (talkcontribs)

It was an acronym? I was thinking (because even though I had read the trope description, my brain has shown incredible resistance to the name of that one trope) that BLAM Episode was named after a sound effect like Wham! Episode. (Was the punctuation and capitalization of the latter changed recently? I seem to remember it having been patterned exactly like the former, but I may be wrong.)

I think the sound effect works decently enough. I don't have any idea what else to call the trope. If it gets named something else, that sister trope should be renamed too for consistency. So I think we could have Blam! Moment and Blam! Episode if no one thinks of a better option.

SelfCloak (talkcontribs)

Hmm... Naming it Blam! Moment or Episode makes it sound like someone gets shot in the moment. Such a shocking moment would bring it back to Wham! Episode.

The rename has to convey "Appears out of Nowhere" (Ass Pull), "Strange in Context" (Makes Just as Much Sense in Context) and "Never Mentioned Again" (What Happened to the Mouse?) without being vague.

What about Wild Event Tangent?

This post was posted by SelfCloak, but signed as Olicool10.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)