Topic on User talk:SmileyB

A single category is not a new page

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)
SmileyB (talkcontribs)
     I put more than two words in it. i put in a synopsis too. Please be a little more respectful. People come her and update this voluntarily. As this place also relies on donations its important to maintain a respectful discourse. Just because it's easier to say things anonymously than you would in real life doesn't mean you throw away manners and tact. 
    If it's so easy to use such a tone when you don't face any real consequences then it's an indication of the type of person you actually are and any manners you use in public are simply a facade you put on as you are wary of actual consequences. 
    I am not impressed by people who are rude, abrasive or flippant online as most of them don't have the fortitude to act that way in public and if you don't have the resolve to be that way in public don't act that way online. 
    On more than a few occasions i have been angry and lashed out but i guarantee i would have done the same in public because i had real reason to be angry. Like here, work that i put hours into writing was wiped away because someone thought would just be easier to do that than to edit it a little. Granted we do our own editing but still. It's a volunteer's hard work and effort done out of passion and it would be foolish to think they would not lash out. This time i only added a short synopsis but your response was unnecessary and rude.

You're response should have been: "I apologize but you haven't written enough to warrant a page entry. Please add more and check guideline and examples. If you need further assistance, please contact me."

Manners cost nothing and i am not impressed by fake tough guys/gals.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

This is the entire contents of the page you created. There is nothing here approaching what you claim to have added. If you had actually added any content at all, the page would not have been deleted, and you would in fact have been thanked profusely, since we need that page.

If you're going to bluster in the face of a wiki admin, at least choose a story that can't be disproved with three mouse clicks.

EDIT: Here is your one edit to the page, just as a reference you can look at directly. Click the date/time to see its contents.

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak, @GethN7

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

This was deemed sufficiently important that I was pinged on it - pulling me away from moderating a very contentious exchange and tracking down our legal standing as to whether we can use tens of thousands of images on this wiki.

I apologize for my fellow moderator's use of the word "freaking".

As for the rest of your post...

  • The only text on the page when it was deleted was "Category:Star Wars". Perhaps you didn't save the synopsis, or perhaps it was "eaten" by the Moderation software. Did you save the synopsis at the same time that you saved the category, or did you make multiple edits? If the latter, then only the final edit would have been presented to the mod team by the Moderation software.
  • @Looney Toons is hardly anonymous - there is more content on his User page than there is on mine, and there is more content on my admittedly-sparse User page than there is on the majority of tropers' User pages.
  • Mod team members do face consequences for poor actions.
  • The mods are volunteers, too.
  • We do not have time to hold your hand - we do you the compliment of assuming you have the skills to be able to do your own research, and that you have already found All The Tropes:Works Page Guidelines and All The Tropes:The Troper's Code on your own. (Both of these pages are linked directly from the "About All The Tropes" page linked at the bottom of every page on this wiki, after all.)
SmileyB (talkcontribs)
    I take no issues with your rules I am saying that it's important to stay civil. And by anonymous, i mean you aren't looking in the eyes of the person your talking to. I guarantee that any one's response with a decent understanding of manners and tact would not respond that way to someone face to face. I doubt that would have been my first response. It's easy to be disgruntled and sarcastic when you aren't looking someone in the face. That is what I am not impressed with. I couldn't care less about the entry. If I have to work it more than so be it. We all have it hard. We all are under pressure. Civility helps. 
   Some would say "It's immature to get bothered by people being rude". I would say "It's immature to not have the restraint to stay polite regardless of your stress". I walked off a guy hitting me with a car. My grandmother was one of only 4 people in our state that got a nerve destroying illness that caused her dementia. To this day, I don't know whether or not my grandfather was on the bathroom floor when he got a stroke at the same time i happened to visit his house and leave because no one was there. My sister was 13 when she wrecked my car. Don't act like I'm being sensitive. If I used the crap I've going through in life as an excuse to be snitty, my previous message would have been full of expletives. 
    So sorry you had a tough time being mods. i just found out my great aunt has lung cancer. Things are tough. We all get shit on. It's all the more reason to be polite and civil. I will be more than happy to be nice and respectful but respect starts with respect. Next time, simply tell me what's wrong and what I need to fix. I don't need looneytoons sarcasm or two-cents.
SmileyB (talkcontribs)

Now that I've calmed down a little....

I understand you are doing a thankless job. You probably get lots of crap because we all do this volunteer, we all take it personally. I understand you are probably doing the best you can. I know you don't have to do this. you don't have to listen to people bitch at you. I get that. But you also have a responsibility. You took this job. It's a hard job but you chose to do this. You understand what that means.

  I get disgusted at police officers because most of them only treat it as a job. They are peace keepers and don't even understand the honor in that. The duty they have. To be a peace keeper should have meaning. Like being a knight. To serve and protect. There is supposed to be real meaning to those words.
    As mods you took this job. You have taken a duty upon yourselves. you are managing thousands of people. That is an awesome task. You have the work of thousands of people to go over but to look at it another way, you have the work of thousands of people in your hands. Think about that. Really think about it. It's a heavy responsibility. 
    I am sure that in normal life you are all decent enough. I'd like to think that there are mostly decent people out there. You have to hold it together better than this. I only made a small article. My thing wasn't big at all and the first response back was a message with sarcasm in it. I don't know who pissed off looneytoons before me but it's clear that looneytoons carried it over to me. I've only just started here on this site so there is no way I would have give anyone any reason to be even annoyed with me. All i know is that I was trying to make a page and someone deleted it with a sarcastic remark.
    I am more than happy to be civil and help or work with the mods but I will not be the target of someone's bad day. Especially when I empirically had nothing to do with it. I'll let this go but in the future, lets just try to keep it neutral at the least.