Topic on User talk:Pike2023!

File:Fallout 76 cover.jpg

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Thank you for uploading this image as part of creating a new work page, but it's lacking several necessary pieces of information, not the least of which is the license terms under which we may use this image. Per All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page, specifying the license is mandatory, required not just by wiki policy but by law; we cannot host and use an image without an appropriate license. If in 48 hours you don't provide the terms under which we may use the file, we will be forced to delete it to protect the wiki from legal liability.

Beyond that, we also request that you provide a link to where you got the file in the first place, so that in case of catastrophic data loss (which we've already suffered twice in ten years) we can retrieve a copy of the image.

Please read All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page for all the specifics, particularly section 2.2.3, "Licensing".

Thank you.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

So... we gave you a lot more than 48 hours, which we certainly shouldn't have. You haven't bothered to respond in any way, so the file has been nuked.

Pike2023! (talkcontribs)

Sorry about that, I wasn't sure what to say plus I've been a bit busy.