User talk:Pike2023!

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File:Fallout 76 cover.jpg

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Thank you for uploading this image as part of creating a new work page, but it's lacking several necessary pieces of information, not the least of which is the license terms under which we may use this image. Per All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page, specifying the license is mandatory, required not just by wiki policy but by law; we cannot host and use an image without an appropriate license. If in 48 hours you don't provide the terms under which we may use the file, we will be forced to delete it to protect the wiki from legal liability.

Beyond that, we also request that you provide a link to where you got the file in the first place, so that in case of catastrophic data loss (which we've already suffered twice in ten years) we can retrieve a copy of the image.

Please read All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page for all the specifics, particularly section 2.2.3, "Licensing".

Thank you.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

So... we gave you a lot more than 48 hours, which we certainly shouldn't have. You haven't bothered to respond in any way, so the file has been nuked.

Pike2023! (talkcontribs)

Sorry about that, I wasn't sure what to say plus I've been a bit busy.


Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Because you have a history of consistent good edits, the moderation staff of All The Tropes has chosen to grant you membership in the autopatrolled group. This gives you several privileges, but the most important one is that your edits will no longer need to be processed through the Moderation queue for approval by an admin, but will now be applied directly to the wiki. This is an awesome responsibility, but we are confident that you can handle it.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Pike2023! (talkcontribs)

Thank you, I appreciate it!

Your proposed edit to "Vomit Discretion Shot" has been rejected in Moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

...again, not because you did anything wrong, but because you used the Visual Editor to make your change, and the Visual Editor is known to do stupid unwanted stuff to the page source -- in this case, it removed white space we want in the page for readability. We're in the process of getting the Visual Editor permanently shut off to prevent this kind of thing, but with the recent upheaval over the fate of Miraheze the staff hasn't the time or free hands to respond to our request.

In the mean time, I recommend that you resubmit your new examples for Fahrenheit and Grand Theft Auto V using the Source Editor ("Edit Source" on the menu that runs across the top of most pages in most skins). If you don't have a copy of your change available, let us know -- we can recover it for you.

-- Looney Toons, admins

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Pike2023! (talkcontribs)

I don't have a copy of the change.

Can you recover it?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)


* In ''[[Fahrenheit (2005 video game)|Fahrenheit]]'': Lucas Cane vomits in a toilet, in the bathroom of a bank.
* ''[[Grand Theft Auto V]]'' with its online mode makes it so the protagonist can wake up vomiting in the toilet of their motorcycle club house, night club and various other places after getting too drunk and passing out.

Your proposed change to "Wrench Wench" has been rejected in Moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

... not because you did anything particularly wrong, but because we don't want the individual sections on trope pages alphabetized. Under our house style we want all new examples added to the end of the relevant section of the trope page to which they are added, to make it easier for users to find them. As a result, examples will eventually go out of alphabetical order anyway. There's no point in alphabetizing them.

If on the off chance you added an example to the section while alphabetizing it, let us know. We can rescue it so you can add it back in (or we can do it for you).

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

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