User talk:Grimm

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Okay, Grimm, that's two strikes.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Actually, three+, but I'm being generous and counting everything wrong with the Earth 27 page as a single strike.

First and foremost, you are not permitted to copy pages directly from TVTropes into All The Tropes because of reasons of license compatibility and consequent legalities, unless you were the sole author of all the material you posted here -- which even a casual glance at the TVT history page will show you were not.

Next, this is the second work page you've created in the last couple days without bothering to use the page creator, so it's lacking all the necessary markup for a proper work page, plus it's using TVT namespacing which is not how things are done here. Note the thread below: I have informed you once already on how you should go about this. You may also want to see the Works Page Guidelines for more information on how we do works pages here.

I don't like to do this, but if you continue dumping content here that we can't legally host and don't mark up the pages properly, I'll temp ban you for a few days, if only to try to get your attention.

CC'ing all other administrators @Robkelk, @Labster, @GethN7, @QuestionableSanity, @DocColress, @LulzKiller, @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

And because of this, I've just gone and compared your Zodiac Stardust page to what's at TVTropes and realized that it was an illegal copy of their content, too. I have deleted that page as well. Feel free to rewrite both and repost them.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

And you uploaded an image that is blatantly still under copyright, without marking the file's license as such. (Giving the file a five-digit number instead of a name that makes sense to humans is a lesser problem, but is another problem nonetheless.)

Also, you've made quite a few edits to various trope pages that just list examples without providing any explanation. Examples Need Context.

Three strikes. Enjoy your vacation from the wiki. Please take some of that time to read the links that Looney Tunes provided in the post above.

Thank you for your contribution of a page on Zodiac Starforce‎

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

However, you may have noticed that it didn't look a whole lot like the other works pages on the wiki. I've taken care of that by adding all the bare minimum markup that was necessary for a functional works page, but in the future you can take care of that yourself by using the ATT Page Creator, which you'll find linked on the menu to the left under "Troping Utilities". Just put the work name in the last of the four boxes on the page and click the "Create Works Page" button. This will put you in an editor with all the basic work page markup in place, along with helpful hints and instructions on what to do next. Please use it the next time you create a page for a work. Thank you!

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