You Haven't Seen the Last of X

Revision as of 22:00, 16 October 2016 by Robkelk (talk | contribs)

A Stock Phrase used by evildoers during a Villain Exit Stage Left. In a common variation, one of the heroes will say "I/We haven't seen the last of X" after the villain escapes. (Of course, any personal pronoun can be substituted for "you".)

Similar to We Will Meet Again.

Examples of You Haven't Seen the Last of X include:

Anime and Manga


Yamcha: Those fools have not seen the last of Yamcha!
Narrator: It would seem our heroes haven't seen the last of Yamcha...



  • Robin Hood: Men in Tights: After saving Dave Chapelle's character from the Sheriff's thugs, Robin Hood hears one of them yell, "You haven't seen the last of us!" Robin promptly fires six arrows at once in an arrow outline, causing the thug to concede, "You've seen the last of us."

Live-Action TV

  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita says Zedd hasn't seen the last of her when he banishes her into space. And indeed he hasn't, as towards the end of the season she returns and forces him to marry her via a Love Potion. In Power Rangers Zeo, as Rita, Zedd, and their goons flee the moon Zedd vows that the Machine Empire hasn't seen the last of them, that they'll return and have revenge. Which they do.
  • Star Trek: Voyager. Lampshaded in the holodeck program "The Adventures of Captain Proton" where the Emperor Scientist villain warns the heroes as he's dying, "Death as you know it has no hold on me. You have not heard the last of Chaotica."

Puppet Shows

  • In Thunderbirds, the Hood is frequently heard to utter a variation on "International Rescue haven't seen the last of me!" after his latest plan ends in an explosion.

Video Games

Western Animation