Ant is a current[when?] superhero comic series written and drawn by Mario Gully.
The focus is on young Hannah Washington, an 8 year old African-American girl that is constantly picked on and ridiculed by many people in here life, and to escape this torment, creates an alter-ego via stories in her diary about a superheroine named Ant, who has all the physical strengths of an actual ant, but none of those pesky hive-mind like weaknesses. Later, it's discovered that grown Hannah actually is Ant, and all the childhood issues she's been dealing with are actually past memories, non-existent....or something like that. Already somewhat unstable due to being in a mental institution, she chooses to don the Ant mantle, and discover how she came to pass, as well as taking on some super-powered a-hole villains along the way.
- Action Girl: Obviously she didn't have any fighting skills at the beginning, but that changed.
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Animal Motifs
- Animal-Themed Superbeing: She imagines herself as one at least.
- Clingy Costume
- Fan Service: Justified in that Ant is covered in a skintight exoskeleton, like an actual ant, which shows off her entire body. The exoskeleton often sheds off like an actual ant, living Hannah naked.
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Heroic Build
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: Significant difference between 8-Year Old Hannah and Adult Hannah.
- Male Gaze: One of the main criticisms of Ant is that there is just too much bootylicious art.
- Mind Screw: Still not sure if Ant is being imagined by a girl in a psychiatric hospital or is actual happening.
- Most Common Superpower
- Ms. Fanservice: Definitely.
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Sassy Black Woman: Mild, Example Originally. However, from Volume 2 through, she's a straight example.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Super Armor: Her Exoskeleton Variation, Hannah's exoskeleton is strong , but it breaks off easy. It can be reconstructed with sugar intake.
- Super Senses
- Super Strength
- Wall Crawl