• The song has been remixed with just about any song in existence underneath it. Like "Libera Me From Hell" or "Objection: Cornered". It has something like the same reputation as Guile's theme, for its ability to go with anything.
    • And then there's "Eternity," taken directly from Blue Dragon. It's sung by Ian Gillan of Deep Purple. The song's meta-info for the artist even says "jesus christ the guy from deep purple sang this." While it's somewhat divisive in Blue Dragon, since some people find the singing impossible to take seriously... in this game? A game where the player is already accepting ridiculous amounts of silliness? You've still got that absolutely epic music, but the arguable absurdity of the singing now only adds to the charm. It really says something that most of the comments on most videos on YouTube for the song are talking about this game and not Blue Dragon.
  • Common Knowledge: To this day, the game is coined as being an RPG Maker creation by various sources. While this is a bit true (it was in development on RPG Maker 2003 at the beginning), the final product was finished in Game Maker 6.1, not RPG Maker.
  • Demonic Spiders: Dread Refs appear as a miniboss in the first dungeon, and then as normal enemies later on. They can summon more Dread Refs, and also inflict foul on you, making you miss a turn. They also have a relatively strong, multi-hit attack.
  • Fan Dumb: Parodied by the Pumps, who spew long, pretentious rants at you about the superiority of Japanese "vidcons" whenever you're trying to save your game.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: This McDonald's ad from the 1990's (see Moral Event Horizon below). Suddenly, interaction between Jordan and Bird has lost its humor value... And then there's the ad's sequel, including Barkley himself.
  • Good Bad Bugs: While enemies don't typically respawn, it's possible to make them respawn by saving, quitting to the title screen, then loading the save file. Using this it's possible to grind for more money and experience.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • CHAOS DUNK, referring to why basketball is Serious Business in-universe.
    • Quad City DJs vs. something mashups of the Space Jam theme, in the tradition of the main theme, the titles and descriptions of which (on YouTube at least) often allude to the game in some way.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Michael Jordan is pretty bad from the start, but he comes across as a Well-Intentioned Extremist, if one with an emphasis on the extremist, until you reach the church for the second time, Jordan's already fatally wounded Larry Bird, and he is threatening to kill Hoopz. And if it's not that, it's infecting Hoopz with Type 2 diabetes after your trek through the Spalding building.
  • That One Level: It is laughably easy to die in the Sugar Caves. Get used to reading "The... the sugar... granules everywhere! Ugh!".
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: This is what happens when you get high while on a 90's nostalgia trip.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Cuchulainn's Tomb. With no foreshadowing beforehand, we learn that Charles Barkley's tragic flaw is his love for gold... for some reason. Subverted in that the implications were almost certainly intentional.
  • The Untwist: The Ultimate Hellbane being Balthios. The main reason being, if he gets a status effect on him in battle, it refers to him as Balthios.