Bryan Danielson/Funny

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Revision as of 04:45, 16 April 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (Mass update links)

  • Anybody who thinks Danielson has no personality should watch the time he and Paul London started talking about dolphins and pods. BZZZZZZZT!!!!".

 Bryan Danielson: Just like a dolphin...would...sting a whale!

(Danielson and Paul London start dying of laughter)

Paul London: It totally would! It's a hybrid dolphin! It comes from The Island of Doctor Moreau!

  • Between his firing and rehiring by the WWE in 2010, Danielson joked at an indie show he was going to TNA after his "No Compete" clause was up. After hearing some boos, he reminded everyone he could restart his feud with Nigel McGuiness (who has been renamed "Desmond Wolfe" in TNA), stating "You wouldn't want to see Desmond Wolfe vs. Lloyd Boner?" The comment led to the crowd chanting "Boner! Boner!" to an amused Danielson.
    • This actually happened on a CHIKARA show, a promotion which takes pride in it's family-friendly content. Bryan promptly noted that the "Boner" chants made him question Chikara's family-friendly policy.
    • Here it is. Enjoy!
    • "Lloyd Boner" is now a redirect to Danielson's article on That Other Wiki.
  • This classic moment with Kenny Omega. Although honestly, the entire match could count.
  • His Large Ham tendencies tend to create quite a few, but a good howler occurred on the 10/18 edition of Raw. While he was outside tying Dolph Ziggler up in a pretzel, six Divas come out to the ring and run off Vickie Guerrero with a bucket of glitter. Then, Bryan gets back in the ring, looking kind of flustered around the very pretty Divas. They then cue music, and Bryan proceeds to lead the Divas through the most Adorkable dance break ever. It ends with him attempting to do a split and hurting himself in the process. He gets consoled by half a dozen of the most gorgeous women in WWE, and proceeds to dance with each of them in turn into the commercial break.
  • The 11/22/10 edition of Raw saw him thrown into a Sibling Triangle with the Bella Twins, looking amusingly and thoroughly confused on what he was going to do.
    • His position in said triangle was further convoluted when, on the 12/20/10 edition of Raw, he was given by the Bellas a trio of kisses escalating in intensity partly as a reward for having just defeated his trainer William Regal and partly because neither sibling wanted to be shown up in front of Daniel.
    • And now Derrick Bateman wants to be Bryan's wingman...because Bryan and Bateman are all about chicks...and AMERICA!
  • Daniel Bryan tries to teach Derrick Bateman the Heel Hook.
    • Really, it seems like everything involving him and Derrick Bateman is shaping up to be this.
  • Daniel Bryan has been going out with Gail Kim for months. Can someone get me a video link for that?
  • Go back and watch Bryan Danielson tear apart the WWE "Universe" / bitch-slapping of Michael Cole. When Danielson tells The Miz that he's better than him, Miz responds with, "'re better than me?!" William Regal and CM Punk, who were sitting right next to him nod and grin like idiots. Bonus points to Punk, who mouths, "By a mile!" to Regal and pantomimes it out to him, all while Miz fails to notice anything.
    • You can actually hear Regal try and tell Miz that Danielson is right over the microphone.
  • A cup doesn't belong on your face. A cup belongs in your pants.
  • Bryan Danielson will bury everybody! He buries by request too!
  • Night two of ROH's Chicago Spectacular began with an eight man brawl in the ring. The heels, Danielson included, all got tossed out. While they were regrouping on the floor Danielson noticed something that enraged him. He walked up to Jimmy Rave and said (a comma is left out here, to better reflect his delivery):

 American Dragon: [holding something in his hand] Jimmy! They broke my watch those BASTARDS!

  • Opinions may differ, especially those feeling that humor may handcuffed by PG guidelines. However, hearing Daniel Bryan tell AJ Lee that after defending his title against The Big Show, they "can...celebrate", made this viewer burst into laughter at the delivery. The forehead kiss wasn't bad, either.
  • His current Catch Phrase of sorts, which Bryan breaks out whenever he wins a match, be it fairly or otherwise: YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
  • When girlfriend AJ told him that she loved him, how does Daniel Bryan respond? By telling her that he appreciates that. It's all in the delivery.
  • After being told by Teddy Long he will be facing Randy Orton on the next weeks show of Smackdown, Bryan proceeds to leave the office, walk to the ring, all while having his Big Yes mantra, enter the ring and jump around the ring, before leaving again. All while Randy Orton was posing on the turnbuckle after winning his match! Orton looked rather confused at the interruption, as he had no idea about what Teddy had promised Bryan.
    • Almost equally funny was his coaching of AJ in her first singles match in a while. When AJ won the match, Bryan jumped up on the turnbuckle and started doing his classic celebration.
  • During a pre-match interview at Wrestlemania XXVIII, Bryan gets AJ to do his signature "YES! YES! YES!" celebration, to which she does, even running around Bryan and shouting "YES!" while holding the World Heavyweight title.
  • The Raw following Wrestlemania XXVIII. Despite the bizarre 18 second loss to Sheamus, the crowd at both events clearly showed some support for Bryan by using his catchphrase. The night saw the crowd working "YES! YES! YES!" and "NO! NO! NO" chants into the show, from the Punk-Henry match (chanting every time Punk landed his kicks and punches) to Cena's promo (where he ended up leading a chant himself and told Bryan he owed him one). Perhaps the most hilarious instance was when Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio held a promo in the ring, the highlight was the "YES! YES! YES" chant turning into "SI! SI! SI!".
  • "AJ, Shut up"
  • The 4/16/12 edition of Raw had Bryan deciding to rename his LeBell Lock submission hold to the "YES!" Lock, complete with intense shouting of that certain three-letter declaration of joy.