/wiki/Cherami Leighcreator

Describe Cherami Leigh here and get your ass moving, damn you..

Cherami Leigh is an American actress and voice actress. You may or may not recognize her as one of the Radio Disney voices during promotions and commercials, which she has been working as for over ten years.

For anime voice-acting, she primarily works for FUNimation, and is noted for her cutesy voices...that can become rather deep and scary if necessary; her most well-known roles are probably Patti of Soul Eater and Road of D.Gray-man, yet these days, she appears in basically every Funimation show, like the other voice actors there. For that matter, her voice range is similar to Yukari Tamura's. Her first recurring anime role was Sae from Peach Girl. She is currently voicing Lucy Heartfilia in Fairy Tail.

For regular acting, she's appeared on Friday Night Lights as Ginnie Warwick, and appeared multiple times on Walker, Texas Ranger. She also played Sarah on the short-lived The Deep End.

Cherami Leigh has performed in the following roles: