Collar 6/YMMV

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  • Arc Fatigue: Getting better with the move from 2 updates a week to 3, but the initial story-arc has taken over a year.
  • Author's Saving Throw: Two months of dialogue as the characters realized that their behavior had been unacceptable.
    • Brought up again recently -- it turns out the unacceptable behavior by Sixx (giving Laura an aphrodisiac without permission or warning, forcing Ginger into an uncomfortable situation, etc) was partly an attempt to test Laura's superhuman abilities and partly letting her emotions override her normal sense of judgement.
  • Broken Base: Not rabidly so, but there are some people in the forums venting their dislike of certain developments.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Laura insisting that Ginger be accepted by Sixx as Laura's fellow personal slave.
    • Also, the two instances when Laura's belief in Sixx's love wavers and is promptly reaffirmed by her.
    • Strip 100, with the moment of collaring, is also rather sweet.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Epic Moustache & Hat Man, who has made only a single appearance. Mr. Black is heading in this direction too.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Sixx appears to be Genre Savvy enough to expect this. When searching for Micheal Kappel, a name that Butterfly randomly dropped before making her exit at the spank-off she concluded that no unattractive person of that name could possibly be who they were looking for.
  • Fan Dumb
  • Fan Nickname: Epic Moustache & Hat Man
  • God Mode Sue: While there has been positive fan reaction to Stella and Claire, they seem to be heading in this direction. They are so good as maids that they could dress Sixx (a job that took Ginger 10 minutes after years of practice) before she even realized it. They even acknowledged/lampshaded that what they had just done was HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE!
  • Hate Dumb
  • Misaimed Fandom: Butterfly, despite the fact she is clearly the villain and not merely the antagonist -- and is edging ever-closer to the Moral Event Horizon.
    • Some fans in the forums jokingly suggested that they'd like to find out if their local airport has regular flights to Sybion...
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Judiciatrix.
  • One True Threesome: To a degree this was a possibility from the beginning, as Laura and Sixx were in a polyamorous relationship, but it became true when Laura insisted that Ginger share the position of personal slave. However, Sixx makes it clear she does not share Ginger's romantic interest.
  • Unfortunate Implications: The reason for the spout of Cerebus Syndrome. Sixx gave Paixao Riaz, a potent aphrodisiac, to Laura without her knowledge or consent, and then set Laura and Ginger against each other in a slightly sadistic game. The act of drugging her "personal slave" (a term akin to "wife" in-universe) without her knowledge was very, very quickly brought up by the (now broken) fanbase.
    • Recent developments hint that Paixao Riaz is also a Mind Control drug, or at the very least makes a "perfect energy link" between slave and owner. While this is used to explain Laura and Ginger's Achievements in Ignorance, some members of the fanbase are hoping for clarification about the possible Mind Control aspect of the drug -- one way or another.
    • The Spank-Off could be considered a giant mess of this. So, Sixx almost forces her slave (again, a term equivalent to being a wife) into being beaten by someone who they don't like or trust (and in this case, the sadist is deliberately trying to cause as much actual pain as possible)...and no matter how rape-like this experience could be, the slave can't say their safeword, or else they'll "lose" - in other words, the one way a slave could keep him/herself safe is being seen as a sign of weakness. And people are gathering to watch this with the same enthusiasm they'd show for a football game. The whole thing comes across as being REALLY uncomfortable, despite the fact that Laura temporarily switches places with Sixx, so Sixx is the one being beaten.
  • The Woobie: Both of Butterfly's slave girls, due to their horrible backstories.