Doomsday Womb is a Superman/Batman/Inspector Gadget fanfiction by the infamous Comics Nix.

"Yes, it's Penny. Everythnig in the city is getting sucked inside her vagina. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, lampposts, buildings, everythnigs. Supes shout from there in the sky, making strong muscles to not be sucked inside the girls sex vortex organ:"

It all begins when Insppector Gandget [sic] and his niece Pennys [sic] are taking a trip to Metropolis to see the "Large Hadion Collapser." However, after MAD agents commit a killing spree with a giant lawnmower, Pennys is captured. Gordget [sic] interrogates Brain with his "gadget dildo," and ends up teaming with Auperman (Superman) when Pennys has a black hole in her vagina. After a quick visit to the Batcave, Auperman has to have sex with Pennys to save Metropolis, thansk to a a reaction between his semen and Kryptonite, but as things go from bad to worse, Gordget, Batman and Brain join in.

True to Comics Nix form, every other word is spelled wrong, the sex ping-pongs from insane nonsense to horrifying accuracy, and it's disturbingly hilarious.

Tropes used in Doomsday Womb include:

"Unlucky she was, a snot from her nose falls on the ground, but no one sees."

""Wha??? A MAD agent?! You bastard, you are under arrest!! Go Go Gadget Dildo!!" and a giant phallic diildo gets out of his hat, procced towards Brain's ass and penetrates it summarily, incapacitating the poor dog's butt."