/wiki/Evanna Lynchcreator

Evanna Lynch is an Irish actress, born August 16, 1991. Best known for playing Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter movies. Her performance has been so good that one could almost say she is Luna.[1] She is also one of the most involved in the Harry Potter fan community, regularly showing up at premieres and conventions. In 2011, Evanna moved to Hollywood to continue acting and find new roles. In 2012, she was cast in the short-lived 2012 TV series Sinbad, based on Sinbad the Sailor. She is also on the Board of Advisors for the Harry Potter Alliance, a large charity.

"I promise all Luna fans that I will stay completely true to her because she deserves no less."

Evanna Lynch provides examples of the following tropes:
  1. Given that J.K. Rowling admitted that her mental image of Luna became Lynch after her performance in [[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)|]], this is more literal than one might think.
  2. Sadly, few believed her.