Freud Was Right/Comic Books

  • During the much reviled One More Day story arc in Spider-Man, many fans claimed that Peter Parker must have an Oedipus Complex to choose Aunt May over Mary Jane. Keep in mind, Peter is not choosing to date Aunt May over M.J, he's choosing to save her life rather than stay married.
    • It's worth mentioning that there is another Squick factor which stems from this story arc. Many fans, and critics alike, have noticed that the artwork for Peter Parker has come to resemble Joe Quesada during his run as Marvel's Editor-in-Chief much more closely, and Parker's new love interest closely resembles Quesada's own daughter.
  • Pretty much any death involving a female character getting run through by a male character with some type of long, sharp weapon, it will usually end up going right through her body, for added effect, of course. Elektra and Phantom Lady both suffered this one.
  • Something like this happens in Canon Fodder. Fodder, Deacon Blue, and Sigmund Freud go through a portal into the dark matter universe, which is shaped by human psyches. They see a whole lot of statues of Greek gods and mythological figures, and Freud is aghast -- because this means Jung was right all along!
  • From the Barry Ween/Whiteout crossover:

Carrie Stetko Are you aware that all your guns look like giant penises?
Barry Ween: Oh, yeah.
Carrie Stetko: So it's intentional, then?
Barry Ween: Oh, yeah.

  • Walking through Washington DC in Y: The Last Man, Yorrick can hear singing. Why?

355: They turned one of the monuments into an impromptu memorial for all the men.
Yorrick: Which one?
355: Guess. [Behind her is the Washington Monument.]
Yorrick: Ah. It's all about that with you ladies, isn't it?
355: Hey, we didn't build it.