Groin Attack/Fan Works

Examples of Groin Attacks in Fan Works include:

  • Jakayrta's more violent interpretation of The Land Before Time, Land Before Time: Twilight Valley has a decent amount of groin attacks along with other dirty tricks. Everything under here is in the category.
    • This is lampshaded by Deimos's statement: "The final tenet is fight dirty. This isn't a duel nor is it a time to be fair. Gouge your opponent's eyes, gang up on one opponent, use groin attacks, whatever it takes it defeat your opponent."
    • One chapter has an enemy dinosaur bound to a tree and beaten severely, including several kicks to the groin.
    • Another chapter has Ducky's mother, armed with twin sticks disable another dinosaur by striking his weapon arm with one stick, tripping him, then kicking him in crotch.
    • The most brutal groin attack in this story involved a dinosaur kneeing his enemy in the groin, ripping out one of his opponent's eyes, tripping his opponent and almost literally ripping his opponent's head off.
      • They're reptiles. How does that even work?
      • Research be damned! It's too much of a good story to let facts get in the way.
  • In the Harry Potter fanfic The Birthday Present, Bellatrix Lestrange tortures Snape with a Cruciatus curse to the groin area, which leaves him impotent.
  • The titular Arestis in Arestis' Childhood kicks her vengeance-driven attacker in the groin.
  • In Naruto Veangance Revelaitons, a few cases happen.
    • When Ronan gets captured by Madara and fed Indian food, he retaliates by punching Madara in the groin, but avoids touching his penis because he doesn't want to be seen as a homosexual.
    • Shortly after Ronan frees himself, he finds Taliana, and shoots her in the vagina, resulting in her getting s "chunky organism".
  • In Alvan an The Chipmunks 3 The Second Squeakuel, Ian Hawk gets his penis bitten off in the original version.
  • In the new timeline of In This World and the Next, Ron suffers a Groin Attack by troll that leads to him becoming a girl. This will apparently stop him from becoming a rapist.

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