Hasamba 3 G/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Acceptable Targets: Crops up disturbingly often, veering close to Crossing the Line Twice. Most of the good guys are White, Ashkenazi, upstanding folk from circa-Tel-Aviv, and the degree of villainy seems proportionate to the distance from that point of the racial/ideological spectrum:
    • Hufni, Menashe the Yemenite's grandson, is a borderline Token Evil Teammate.
    • Taleb Zangouri, the bedouin, is a creepy and cowardly criminal with no qualms about threatening teenagers at gunpoint and kidnapping the elderly.
    • Bonnie, the Judea/Samaria/West Bank/Watchamacallit settler, is an even creepier pedophile who cooperates with Zangouri. This is doubly disconcerting because the whole settlements thing is a very hot issue in Israel these days and the media has a long-standing reputation for left-wing sympathies. It's hard to tell whether the series creator opting to portray this guy makes it better or worse.
    • Corrupt Corporate Executive Sunny has nouveau riche overtones, as opposed to the old-school socialist-Ashkenazi types of old Hasamba, and her father is played as a painfully straight Mizrahi stereotype.
    • Notable exceptions to the above: Menashe the Yemenite himself is portrayed as completely sympathetic; Iggy is probably not Ashkenazi judging by his last name (Musafi), but is one of the main protagonists; The model boy scout Moran is a definite villain. Luda the Russian computer whiz who's an asset to the fledgling 3G Hasamba would qualify as well, but Russians have successfully integrated into the upper crust of Israeli society so much that basically no one perceives them as a disadvantaged ethnical minority anymore.
    • A minor yet poignant example: there's a poster of current Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu hanging in one of the Bad Guys' lairs. As You Know, Netanyahu is a right-wing politician who is often regarded as a relentless populist by the same White, Ashkenazi folk from circa Tel-Aviv.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: Straight guys end up with hot girls. Gay guys try to hit on other guys and have the crap beaten out of them, because nobody likes gay guys.
  • I Knew It!: Alpha is a brainwashed Uri.
  • Magic Franchise Word: Larnyx Uppercut ("Snokeret Lagrogeret").
  • Running the Asylum: Technically, but since this is the first major adaptation that ventures away from canon all the signature elements (Never Live It Down, Darker and Edgier...) are still fresh. The mass of original characters who never appeared in the original at all also helps.