Kantai Collection/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Ass Pull: In the final episode of the anime, the battle of Midway redux is going about as well for the fleet girls as the original did, and then (ahistorical) reinforcements arrive. Zuikaku explains: "For some reason, we got these instant heal buckets out of nowhere." (Perhaps the admiral bribed his way to victory?)
  • Awesome Music: A point of praise for the game and the anime.
  • Better Than Canon: Some fans think so about the likes of Belated Battleship and Kant-O-Celle Quest. To be fair to Kadokawa Games, fanfiction doesn't have to fit in a strict format (the anime tried to cram six months of naval warfare into about four hours of screen time) or appeal to a mass audience (so the gritty details of politically-incorrect history and warfare can be mined for drama) or make money (so ships that are not so popular in Japan, such as those from Allied navies, can be brought into the story).
  • Memetic Mutation:
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: It has not escaped notice that the anime's opening goes really well with "Savior of Song", the opening theme of Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova-.
  1. The opening song, "Miiro", includes a cry of "Weigh Anchor"...but because of the rhythm, to English-speaking ears it sounds more like "WANKER!"
  2. Catchphrases or Verbal Tics of Yuudachi, Inazuma, and Kongou. Expect to see them in World of Warships chat when Japanese ships are in the field, even if Yuudachi and Inazuma are not specifically implemented in the game (their sister ships Shiratsuyu and Akatsuki are). "Poi" in particular also gets a lot of mileage as Stupid Statement Dance Mix fodder, as it's short and Yuudachi says it a lot in the game and show. For example: [1]