Les Mondes d'Aldebaran/Characters
Main cast
All of them
- Immortality: Like any Mantrisse boosted character, Type II with some important Healing Factor.
Kim Keller
- Action Girl
- Action Mom: In the third cycle
- The Hero: Start as The Lancer for Marc, later (second cycle or even after volume 3), become this trope.
Marc Sorensen
- Action Hero
- Commuting on a Bus: From The Hero to The Driver.
- The Driver
- The Hero: In the first three books, maybe first five.
Alexa Komarova
- Blessed with Suck: Being immortal shred the mind after some years. She had overcome some really bad depressive period already.
- The Lancer: to Kim
- The Leader: sometimes to the Mantrisse group
- Really 700 Years Old: Well, not really but pretty old anyway.
Eldermore Paderewski
- Blessed with Suck: His Immortality comes in an old age. Bad luck!
- The Smart Guy
Mantrisse group
All of them
- Immortality: Like any Mantrisse boosted character, Type II with some important Healing Factor.
- Long Bus Trip: Driss Shediac appears at the very beginning of Betelgeuse cycle for the last time. All the others never appear since the end of Aldebaran cycle.