Mars Needs Women/Playing With

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Revision as of 21:27, 1 November 2013 by prefix>Import Bot (Import from TV Tropes TVT:PlayingWith.MarsNeedsWomen 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:PlayingWith.MarsNeedsWomen, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Basic Trope: An alien species steals earth women for Interspecies Romance

  • Straight: Males from Mars kidnap Alice, for reproduction
  • Exaggerated: Males from mars are only attracted to humans
  • Up to Eleven: Every single sapient life in the Multiverse are only attracted to Alice
  • Justified: Rule Thirty Four
    • Convergent evolution produced human aliens.
      • The aliens are similar to humans, either from convergent evolution or from being Transplanted Humans and/or Transhuman Aliens, are horribly inbred due to a Depopulation Bomb of their own, and need humans of either gender specifically to revitalise their genepool or suffer extinction.
    • Human female sex pheromones are the aliens' drugs.
      • The aliens feed from psychic energy, and they find the psychic energy generated by Earth females during sex to be powerful or at least very tasty.
    • The aliens are Doing It for The Art, to investigate this "mysterious" sensation that exists in humans.
      • The aliens have formed a psychic link with the human, but the humans' Id overwhelmed them and made the aliens want more of this "mysterious" sensation.
  • The aliens have a Hive Mind that went crazy and decided to have sex with human females.
  • Inverted: Humans Are Ugly
  • Subverted: The visiting martians see Alice as a Moe Blob, and are interested in her for the same reason that humans are interested in hamsters.
    • Alice has fallen in love with martians
  • Double Subverted: But still the aliens eventually fucked her.
  • Parodied: A race made up exclusively of gay male stereotypes come to Earth...for our men- because they're on an intergalactic sex tour and humans have comparatively large equipment. Unfortunately, everyone thinks they're after our women and panic accordingly.
  • Deconstructed: Earth becomes a whorehouse where humans are forced into sex slavery by the aliens.
  • Reconstructed: ...And the humans enjoy it.
    • Martians extract their sperm and artificially impregnate Earth women.
  • Zig Zagged: Not all the aliens are after Earth women, just a small group of perverts that the others apologize for.
  • Averted: Aliens do not have sex with Earth women.
  • Enforced: The creators are trying to insert Fanservice in a straightforward Sci-Fi setting.
  • Lampshaded: A woman captured by aliens asks "I can't believe so many different species find human women attractive!"
  • Invoked: An Evilutionary Biologist modifies human women to exude pheromones that attract aliens.
  • Exploited: A woman seduces her way onto an alien ship to spy.
    • When aliens invade for women, a man begins rounding women up and selling them for a profit.
  • Defied: Interspecies Romance is forbidden by both worlds.
    • Mardok from Rigil Kentaurus finds human women to be Nausea Fuel, and rants of the idea in disgust: "You accuse me of bestial perversion, your species is depraved! Besides, you have no scales, strange hairs on your head and other places, monkey-like feet, no prehensile tail, and look at that weird-coloured skin of yours, it isn't even blue! Me with them, how disgusting! Are you all this sexually perverse?"
  • Discussed: "What is it with human females and every single male species?"
  • Conversed: "Why does every writer thinks that we can actually breed with aliens despite our different biology?"

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